The MEK’s terrorist activities

The MEK and Its American Fans

One of the more troubling things about American MEK/MKO/PMOI supporters is their willingness to whitewash the group’s past as well as its present-day behavior. They aren’t content to work with an avowedly bad group against a common enemy, but feel compelled to pretend that the group is upstanding and noble. At an appearance in Paris last year, Giuliani …

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Iran’s letter to Mogherini about MKO terrorists

However, unfortunately we are witnessing with such a black history, this terrorist group[MKO/MEK/PMOI] has had offices in some European countries and despite repeated requests of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its affiliates have traveled freely throughout European countries without any legal proceedings and some of …

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Washington uses the MKO to fight a covert war against Iran

The MKO has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks in Iran. On August 20, 1992, the terrorist organization claimed responsibility for a grenade attack on the home of the Majlis deputy in the city of Kudasht in the province of Loristan in a report broadcast on the “Voice of Mojahed” radio. On October 12, the MKO claimed responsibility for twin bomb blasts at Imam Khomeini’s mausoleum south of Tehran, which has thousands of visitors each day. On October 15, they claimed credit for blowing up a gas station….

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Keep Mojahedin Khalq on terrorist List

On November the 25th the listing of the Iranian “Mojahedin-e Khalq” organization (MKO/MEK), aka “People´s Mojahedin Organization of Iran” (PMOI) with its political wing, the “National Council of Resistance of Iran” (NCRI) and its military wing, the “National Liberation Army” (NLA) on the Consolidated List has to be extended. Since years, the MKO tries to appear …

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Iran marks anniversary of 1981 bombing by Washington backed MKO terrorists

Every year on August 23, Iran marks the Government Week to commemorate the memory of the late President Rajaei and Prime Minister Bahonar. In 1986, the MKO members fled Iran to Iraq, where they received support from former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and set up Camp Ashraf, now known as Camp New Iraq, near the Iranian border. They were subsequently relocated to another camp, and are awaiting potential transfer to third countries …

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Elimination Project, Masoumeh Gheibipour

Batul Soltani who was a friend of Masoumeh stated how Masoumeh left her life behind by openly criticizing the leaders’ approaches in public meetings. “She was so courageous that she could stand up in the meetings and say “Ideological leadership is a suppressive argument.” Her courageous objections was then resulted in grave pressure by the side of the group authorities or her peers.

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17,000 Dead Iranians. Who Knows? Who Cares?

The MeK/MKO/PMOI has been very successful in the United States in paying American politicians and former government officials to represent the MeK. Along with the demonization with which the American government has colored Iran with since 1979, these political efforts by the MeK have succeeded in making many American leaders believe the MeK can be useful to US interests in the Middle East. Whether or not they know …

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The Godfather of terror: anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization cooperate with ISIS

Iraqi Federal Police foiled a suicide attack by a group of MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorists who attempt to target a gathering of prominent Sunni clerics.Although Iraqi Police spokesman was reluctant to go into further details, but the previous confessions made by arrested ISIS members show the great degree to which MKO is cooperating with the so-called Islamic State…

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It is time to declare an information world war on terrorism

Thirty-four years ago – on August 30th, 1981 – a bloodthirsty terrorist group assassinated the most popular President in history. You say you haven’t heard about it? Maybe that’s because it was “their” president … and “our” terrorists. The MEK/MKO/PMOI terrorists who murdered Iranian President Rajai (and thousands of other Iranians) still enjoy the protection and support of Western authorities.

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