The MEK’s terrorist activities

Speaking of human Rights, Paradox of the Cult of Rajavi

There are a lot of more families who were torn by the MKO either in its terror acts or as a result of the cult-like despotic approach by its leaders. By contrast, today Maryam Rajavi who speaks under the so-called title of “president-elect”, boasts of human rights and democracy that she could bring to the Iranian people.Over a decade the MKO’s misinformation campaign…

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On the Anniversary of MKO leader’s escape from Iran

It was so heavy a strike for the newly formed regime and both MKO and Bani-Sadr expected complete destabilization and overthrow of the ruling authority. However, the public reaction to such violent, immoral deeds was nothing more than a strong feeling of repulsion towards MKO. On July 27, 1981, Muhammad-Ali Rajai won a landslide victory in Iran’s second post-revolution presidential election. Deeply disappointed, the sole option before the two fugitives…

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MEK Formally Announce its Resumption of Terrorism

The general interpretation among MEK/MKO/PMOI experts is that this mixed message demonstrates Rajavi’s panic as he sees Iran getting closer to the West and the gap he depends upon to exploit is closing up.On the other hand the absence of audio has introduced more mystery to the question of Rajavi’s whereabouts…

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France should enlist MKO as terror organization: Iran MP

In a Wednesday meeting with the visiting head of the French National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee Élisabeth Guigou, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, who chairs the Iranian Parliament’s (Majlis) National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, criticized the European Union (EU) for removing the MKO/MEK/PMOI from its list of terrorist organizations.

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