The MEK’s terrorist activities

60 years after the 1953 coup, US back the MKO

While conventional war, the bomb-bomb-bomb Iran approach has been so far avoided because that still remains a last resort of the bipartisan consensus, other attacks on Iran have continued, including by means of Stuxnet, the cyber-weapon built by the National Security Agency together with CIA and Israeli intelligence and used to temporarily cripple the uranium enrichment operations in Natanz, Iran. .. in addition, assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists by the Iranian terrorist organization Mojahedin-e-Khalq assisted with funding and training assistance of America’s ally Israel.

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The Bitter And Unpleasant Realities of Anti Iran Terrorism

The MEK intensified their terrorist operations in August 1981. In their biggest terrorist operation they destroyed by explosion the office of the National Security Council killing Prime Minister Mohammad Javad Bahonar and President Mohammad Ali Rajaei who had been elected only three months before…The MEK who were based in England claimed the responsibility of the bombing. They also officially claimed the responsibility of assassinating religious leaders in different cities..

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MKO an internationally known terrorist group

MKO is referred to as a cult 88 times in this report. It is stated in the report ‘an examination of MKO activities establishes its cultic practices and its deceptive recruitment and public relations strategies.’ Elsewhere in the same document it is stated: ‘Rajavi instituted what he termed an “ideological revolution” in 1985, which, over time, imbued the MKO with many of the typical characteristics of a cult, such as authoritarian control, confiscation of assets, sexual control (including mandatory divorce and celibacy),

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MKO terrorists active in Syria under guise of medics

According to the ex-MKO member, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the members of the terrorist group are stationed at a base called “Hanif,” which is disguised as a hospital, Mehr news agency reported.The people working alongside the MKO/MEK/PMOI members at the base do not know Persian and Arabic, and only speak English, the defected MKO member said.Two members of the terrorist group, who were dispatched from…

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MKO authorizes use of violence against rank and files

Assassination of Javad Saeidi in autumn 1973 by the so called Muslim leadership of the MKO and assassination of Sharif Vaqefi in spring 1975 by the Marxist leadership of the cult are no different in their natures. Both of these assassinations have taken place as a result of the cult’s belief in Stalinism and physical removal. From the MKO’s point of view, not only such assassinations can’t be blamed, but also they are done to

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MEK operatives attack Iranian reporter in Rome

…. the reporter was attacked and insulted by apparently an MKO member and received a death threat when he wanted to parkhis car near his office in Rome. The attacker, who had chased the IRIB reporter, neared his car and insulted him and then attacked him to stop the reporter from calling the Italian police. The MKO, founded in the 1960s, blended elements of Islamism and Stalinism and …

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MKO not able to whitewash its bloody history- Part2

The bomb used to explode Islamic Republic Party office was made of “Compressed Gas’ that had been previously invented by the United States but the Soviet Union had also achieve the technology shortly after the US. Immediately after the explosion the Soviet Union accused the US of committing the terror act because it wanted to convince the world that only the US had had the technology.

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