The MEK’s terrorist activities

Report: No sympathizers for MKO terrorists in Iran

Members of the MKO aka MEK/PMOI, who had murdered over 17,000 Iranians since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, fled to the neighboring Iraq in 1980s, where they received military training from the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and set up Camp Ashraf in the eastern province of Diyala near the Iranian border.

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Mojahedin Khalq , a Tool for Political Games

has MKO any justifiable explanation for what it has explicitly stated and glorifying about machine-gunning American citizens and supporting the takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran? Unless it totally denies its gazette and the contents and makes another effort to attribute all to a different group! Although it is removed from the terror list and allowed some privileges to be utilized as another possible bullying force ..

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Q&A: what is the MEK and why did the US call it a terrorist organisation?

The MEK cut a ‘swath of terror’ in the Middle East, but leaders have worked hard to convince the west they are peaceful now..The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 changed everything for the MEK. Its fighters at Camp Ashraf, near the Iranian border, and other sites near Baghdad were disarmed by the Americans. The MEK leadership moved swiftly to distance itself from Saddam Hussein..

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MKO Served Moscow during the Cold War

MEK is led by the husband-and-wife team of Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi. Massoud Rajavi heads the organization’s military forces. Experts say that MEK has increasingly come to resemble a personality cult that is devoted to Mr. Rajavi’s secular interpretation of the Koran and is prone to sudden, dramatic ideological shifts.

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Delisting the MKO. America: A State Sponsor of Terrorism against Iran

There are credible reports, indicating that MKO/MEK/PMOI members have received considerable amounts of money, military training and equipments from the states which are hostile to Iran and fear of its growing influence in the Middle East, including the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia. ..Seymour Hersh revealed that how the U.S. government has furtively supported the MKO terrorists..

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The MEK Lobby: Chumming with Terrorists No More

The People’s Mujahedin of Iran (Mojahedin-e Khalq-e Iran, or MEK) is an Islamic- and Marxist-inspired militant organization that advocates … The group formally renounced the use of violence in 2001, but an FBI investigation found MEK members to be “actively involved in planning and executing acts of terrorism” as recently as 2004.

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Will the MKO Go to the Good-Terrorists Side?

Paul Pillar believes that listing or delisting of a particular group gets promised by those with an agenda that has nothing to do with enforcement of a criminal statute. “This has been seen most obviously with the well-financed campaign to delist the Iranian cult-cum-terrorist group the Mujahedin –e-Khalq,” …

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Terror In The Name Of Democracy: Terrorism Continues

Ayatollah Ali Qodussi and Asaddullah Lajevardi were other involved authorities that were targeted by MKO. Ayatollah Ali Qodussi, the attorney general, was leading an investigation into the explosion at prime minister’s office. Just 6 days after the explosion, on 5 September, an incendiary bomb blasted at his office that led to his death…

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Terror In The Name Of Democracy

No doubt, the perpetrators of such ruthless, violent plots fail to provide the slightest justification for proven terrorist acts that are tantamount to a declaration of war against a nation. The responsible group, Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCR), after tolerating ultimate failures in winning public trust in two preceding presidential and parliament elections, had already started inventing pretexts to declare its war. ..

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