The MEK’s terrorist activities

Report Discloses Training of MKO Terrorists by Britain

Britain is part of a covert operation in the Middle-East to train Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCR) terrorists for operations against Iran. Report Discloses Training of MKO Terrorists by Britain.The American Free Press website reported that western collusion to train terrorists to target Iranian scientists and officials, that Britain has been part of covert operations in the Middle East to train MKO terrorists.

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WAIS member: MEK always remain a tool for terrorism

Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, member of the World Association of International Studies, told Habilian on Tuesday that undoubtedly “the cult (Mujahedin-e Khalq) will always remain a tool for terrorism.”She went on to say, “The one thing the Empire (the U.S.) and its boss, Israel, does not want, is stability”, since “a stable country can be unified against outside enemies.”..“The MEK have proven themselves as ruthless killers be it in Iraq, Iran, or elsewhere.”

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U.S. Training MEK Terrorists to Kill Iranians

Bush and Cheney saw advantage in using MEK/MKO/PMOI to attack targets in Iran. At the Nevada site, and also in an undisclosed Israeli facility, MEK fighters were trained in the arts of assassination, bombing and surveillance. And they were not the only terrorists given training. Members of Jundullah, a Sunni group based in Pakistan and linked to the Taliban, were flown to Nevada with Iranian Kurds specially selected by Mossad. In effect, Washington ..

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The MEK and terrorism double standards

The Mujahedeen Khalq, or People’s Mujahedeen, known as the M.E.K has been designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Dept. for 15 years.The M.E.K. are terrorists. They were driven out of Iran and given a home at a place called Camp Ashraf in Iraq by Saddam Hussein, who they supported. Saddam Hussein used the M.E.K. to carry out terrorist acts in Iran. Now that Hussein is gone, the Iraqi’s want the M.E.K. out of Iraq as they also see it as a dangerous group.

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Iran lashes out at West for supporting MKO terror group

“The continuation of the MKO’s presence in Iraq to go on with terrorist activities has grown so important [for the West] that they now stress the persistence of such presence,” the Iranian defense minister pointed out. He also said the fact that the MKO/MEK/PMOI carries out its activities in the Western countries demonstrates the West’s support for terrorism…A prominent American investigative journalist recently said the former US..

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Confirmed: Terrorist Organization Trained on US Soil by US Military

It appears that not only Israel, but the US in tandem with Mossad have been training, arming, financing, harboring, and directing the US State Department-listed foreign terror organization (#29) Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) since as early as 2005..The “War on Terror” is a fraud. For 10 years the West, and in particular America’s armed forces have been lied to, misled, and bled dry literally while the American tax payers have been bled dry financially.

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Secretary Clinton trapped by a false dichotomy

The Iraqis have kept their side of bargain – the deadline for the MEK’s departure was extended and negotiations were facilitated to persuade the MEK to cooperate in a move from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty where the UNHCR would be able to assess each individual for refugee status.

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UN & Obama Supporting Islamo-Marxist Terror Group MEK in Iraq

Meanwhile, U.S. taxpayers are reportedly paying to improve the terror organization’s new temporary residence while the UN works to shuttle them out the country. According to news reports, the MEK/MKO/PMOI members are supposed to be processed at Camp Liberty[TTL] as they await UN-sponsored relocation to other countries as refugees.But the group’s leaders and their well-paid Western lobbyists have asked for Iraqi law enforcement…

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Ex-member: MKO helps Israeli agents in covert war with Iran

In a telephone interview with Israel’s Maariv radio on March 5, Massoud Khodabandeh noted that it was no surprise to hear about the role of the MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorists in assassinating Iran’s nuclear scientists.Some US officials told the NBC network last week that the MKO terrorists have been involved in the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists in the past two years.Since January 2010, a total of six Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated ..

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MKO criminals should stand trial

The world needs to hear Mrs. Tanter’s story, the stories of the American family members whose loved ones were assassinated by the MEK aka MKO/PMOI during the days of Pahlavi Iran, the role of the MEK in killing dozens of members of the IRI government in Iran in the early 1980s by bomb blasts, the utilization of the MEK by Saddam Hussein against Iran during the Iran-Iraq War from 1980-1988, the role of the MEK in carrying out the murder of Kurds ..

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