The MEK’s terrorist activities

MEK remains on US FTO list after Camp Ashraf deal

.but also because of the MEK’s aka MKO/PMOI dishonest merging of the humanitarian concerns at their Camp Ashraf base with their FTO listing. Many expected that the Obama administration would announce a decision in September after dragging its feet for over a year following a 2010 Court of Appeals rare order that the designation be reevaluated, but no final announcement has been made and to date the MEK remains FTO-listed…

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US Troops Guarded Terrorist MEK Camp in Iraq

MEK. Admittedly a terrorist organization, listed by the US State Department as being such, it is fully funded, armed, and backed by the United States, based in France and US-occupied Iraq, .. clearly this reveals that not only is the “War on Terror” an absolute fraud, but so are the politicians, policy wonks, and military “leaders” who have promoted it, pinned medals on their own chests for “fighting” it, and have made immense fortunes and power grabs ..

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MEK exile terrorist has bipartisan support in Washington

Maybe the solution is not the removal of the MEK aka MKO/PMOI from the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Instead, the U.S. government can simply start designating countries and organizations as “Enemies” and “Friends” and then at the beginning of the springtime awards season, before the Oscars, there can be a televised event where the president hands out awards and opprobrium to this year’s winners in each category.

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Report: CIA Using MKO, Terrorist Groups for Bombings inside Iran

An article by Paul Joseph Watson published by Prison Planet website on Saturday quoted several credited and credible individuals, including US intelligence whistleblowers and former military personnel, as asserting that the US is conducting covert military operations inside Iran using guerilla groups to carry out attacks on the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) units.

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Strange bedfellows: Romney and the MEK militias

Frankly, who knows what their [MKO/MEK/PMOI]total budget is? Rubin continues. “But it seems to have paid off, because they’ve found a number of corrupt officials in Washington. Whether it’s Republicans or Democrats, it may be legal to pay such inflated individual speaking fees, but it shows a fundamental weakness and a fundamental corruption that doesn’t belong in any of the presidential campaigns.

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MKO leaders must be tried for crimes

Iraq’s Finance Minister Baqir al-Zubaidi says the ‘criminal leaders’ of the Mujahidin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) terrorist group must be put on trial before being expelled from the country.Iraqi people would never forget “the bitter memory of the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, especially a large number of Kurds from north, during the 1991 uprising (Intifada),” al-Zubaidi said on Tuesday.

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IVTC to introduce Iran MKO as terrorist

In a sign of how even the world’s conservative governments increasingly refuse to support the People’s Muhajeddin Organization of Iran (MKO), an international conference sponsored by France’s Nicolas Sarkozy included Iranian victims of what many say is nothing but a terrorist “cult.”

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Americans excuse for invasion of Iraq was to fight MKO

Considering that fighting terrorism was the excuse for the US invasion of Iraq, it was expected that terrorist elements, including MKO aka MEK/PMOI forces, would be confronted. But not only was there no confrontation, but they were also supported, and even now that the Iraqi government is determined to expel the MKO from the country, the US and Western countries are trying to hinder the move,” Hejazi added.

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Washington backed assassinations and terrorism always futile

… the enemies of the Islamic Republic, particularly the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), are backed by the colonialist powers.The MKO carried out several terrorist acts in Iran with the goal of crippling the Islamic Revolution, but their efforts have always been futile, and “they will take their ambitions to the grave,” he stated. The MKO assassinated Iranian President Mohammad Ali Rajaee and Prime Minister Mohammad Javad Bahonar in 1981. ..

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