The MEK’s terrorist activities

MKO’s Role in Saddam’s Invasion of Kuwait Disclosed

According to a report published by the Kuwaiti Al-Dar daily, the MKO/MEK/PMOI members had all-out cooperation with Saddam forces and were in massive intelligence coordination with former Iraqi regimes’ military and security authorities during the occupation of Kuwait.The MKO members had also participated in checkpoint operations and interrogated Kuwaiti citizens..The daily said that MKO’s main elements were stationed at a hotel near Hawalli square ..

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MEK;U.S. politicians’ favorite terrorist group

The selective application of the label of “terrorist” based on who the U.S. is choosing to fight at any given point is further evidence of the bankruptcy of this term.”Terrorists”are those who are interred in CIA black sites, subject to legally sanctioned torture and killed without public outcry; but as the case of the MEK /MKO/PMOIshows the very definition of who is a terrorist is based not upon what acts individuals or groups commit, but upon how favorably or unfavorably those acts are …

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MEK: Former U.S. Officials Make Millions Advocating For Terrorist Organization

..Mujahideen-e Khalq was responsible for the killing of six Americans in Iran in the 1970s, along with staging a handful of bombings. But for a terrorist organization with deep pockets, it appears there’s always hope. ..the MEK supported Saddam Hussein in his war against their former countrymen, a conflict which resulted in massive casualties on both sides — further fueled by U.S. financial support for Iraq. As a result of their actions in the war, the group is reviled today within Iran..

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Mujahedin-e Khalq Factsheet

Iranian Americans know the truth about the MEK, but high-priced public relations and lobbying firms are hard at work trying to whitewash the MEK’s violent and disturbing record. And while they’ve been remarkably successful, they can’t completely escape the truth. So, for the record, here are the facts about the MEK..

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Washington’s favorite Terrorists

A recently disclosed FBI report from 2004 reveals Mojahedin Khalq (MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult) continued to plan terrorist acts years after they claimed to renounce terrorism. The State Department has documented the MEK’s disturbing record: killing Americans and Iranians in terrorist attacks; fighting for Saddam Hussein against Iran and assisting Saddam’s brutal campaign against Iraq’s Kurds and Shia; its”cult-like”behavior; the abuses and even torture it commits against its own members; and its support for the U.S. embassy takeover and calls for executing the hostages …

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MEK Militant Group Seeks Removal From Terrorism List, Has Lawmaker Support

..And in 2004 MEK was still actively involved in planning and executing attacks according to FBI investigation documents released in May under the Freedom of Information Act. A joint investigation between Los Angeles-based agents and German police recorded phone calls where MEK/MKO/PMOI members discussed operations. The report tells of a scheme by MEK where the group used children with multiple identities to collect social benefits in Germany, then used the money to purchase large quantities of night vision goggles and GPS systems to improve accuracy of mortar attacks ..

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MEK Terrorist Group Lobbies Congress for De-Listing

Maryam Rajavi, leader of the MEK The Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), an Iranian Marxist-Islamist group opposed to the government there, is lobbying the Obama administration to have its name removed from a list of foreign terrorist organizations.MEK has been on the State Department’s terrorist list since 1997, although even prior to that it was accused of killing Americans in Iran in the 1970s and supporting the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein…Opponents of the de-listing point out that an FBI report from 2004 showed the group continued to plan terrorist acts at least three years after it renounced terrorism.

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Mujahedin-E Khalq criminal investigation by FBI

A recently disclosed FBI report from 2004 reveals Mojahedin Khalq (MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult) continued to plan terrorist acts years after they claimed to renounce terrorism. The State Department has documented the MEK’s disturbing record: killing Americans and Iranians in terrorist attacks; fighting for Saddam Hussein against Iran and assisting Saddam’s brutal campaign against Iraq’s Kurds and Shia; its”cult-like”behavior; the abuses and even torture it commits against its own members; and its support for the U.S. embassy takeover and calls for executing the hostages ..

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Iran holds an exhibition to honor victims of MKO terrorists

Tehran is hosting a photo and poster exhibition to commemorate those killed in terrorist operations launched by the Iraq-based MKO/MEK/PMOI.The exhibition showcases the photos of a group of 12000 Iranians who have fallen victim to the terrorist nature of this group since the victory of the Islamic Revolution back in 1979.This exhibition has been set up to show the true nature of the MKO and its supporters. In this exhibition we have also unveiled the links between the MKO and several other terrorist groups like Jondullah.

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MKO, June 20, anniversary of collapse of a dream

June is the symbol of tragedy in MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCR history, you may wonder why MKO celebrates June 20th anniversary every year and calls the date as the start of resistance against Islamic regime although they claim that they have renounced violence since June 2001 when they launched a mortar attack at President Khatami’s office in Tehran…Once more MKO propaganda is calling for a gathering in Paris on June 18. The so-called international gathering is attended by Afghans, Kurds, Turkish refugees ..

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