The MEK’s terrorist activities

MKO More Dangerous than Al-Qaida

Once again, the terrorist group of Rajavi means to hold an event in Paris, in the anniversary of the day they declared armed struggle… When MKO declared armed struggle on June 20th, 1981, the war between Iran and Iraq was in its bad days..Now, by launching a new funny show in France abusing the bloods of those killed in Ashraf Iraq on April 8th, 2011, Maryam Rajavi and his husband want to hold an event supported by some retired MPs…European states and security organizations should seriously watch their nations so that their youth don’t get in the trap of these dangerous groups.

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Iraqi terror victim families to sue MKO

The families seek the prosecution of the perpetrators of the massacre and want the leaders of the organization to be brought to justice, the report added.They reiterated that the MKO had a hand in the 1991 crackdown of Iraqis. They said that they have evidence at hand proving the MKO’s crimes, adding that they would present the evidence to the Iraqi Judiciary…Saddam’s regime did not rely on its soldiers more than relying on the MKO militants in this particularly respect.

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Mr. Karami Open Letter to President Obama

… Although the reports of DOS on MEK in 2005 and 2006 are not complete, they offer a few examples of numerous cult-like approaches of MEK. Today, considering valuable information on MEK published by DOS and DOD, including RAND report, the terrorist cult of MEK must not be allowed to spread lies and feed American politicians with its disinformation campaign. MEK’s re-designation as a foreign terrorist organization will disappoint the group and its propaganda machine. You may want to take a look at the group’s latest request made by its spokesman Ali Reza Jaafarzadeh to find out how its deceptive propaganda machine works …

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Iran urges US to stop supporting MKO terrorists

…”we urge the Americans to honor their obligations,”Ramin Mehmanparast said at his weekly news conference on 10 May which was broadcast live by Iran’s state news channel (IRINN).”Any support for terrorist groups is a violation of international agreements, and the hypocrites’ group [referring to the MKO/MEK/PMOI] has an absolutely clear case in the issue of terrorism,”he said.”The fact that Western countries intend to support terrorist activities in various ways ..

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Iranian nuclear scientist survives MKO assassination attempt

An Iranian website reported on Sunday that a team of terrorists affiliated to Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCRI) attempted to assassinate an Iranian nuclear scientist in Tehran on May 2. Six terrorists who were riding motorcycles opened fire on the scientist, but his bodyguards managed to save him from the attack.

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ADVT’s message to September 11 families and US government

… would like to ask you that whether the time has not arrived to administer justice against terrorists who have committed crimes several times more than Bin Laden and his terrorist group? Can we celebrate a day in which the killers of our dearest family members have been tried by justice? Indeed, how long can we live with a feeling of insecurity and threat by some terrorists who are not different from Al-Qaeda or Bin Laden? The terrorist leaders of the MKO are trying to remove the name of their organization from the FTO list of your country and unfortunately some officials are helping them in achieving their illegal inhuman demand and …

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ADVT condemned the assassination of Iranian laborers by MKO

… The violation of the human rights of the laborers is not limited to the assassinations; The MKO illegally transfers many workers who are seeking for a job in foreign countries, to Iraq and MKO’s military base there. After confiscating their identity documents, these laborers receive compulsory military and terrorist trainings and also are exposed to forced labor. On one hand, based on the ‘freedom of the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work …

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Give the Mojahedin Khalq an amnesty

… I was at primary school at the time; the father of one of my classmates, Mr. Akbari, was one of those killed in the bombing. After the Iran-Iraq War, the MEK faded from the scene, only to regain prominence when the US invaded Iraq. Thousands of MEK members, most of them middle-aged, were residing in the Ashraf camp when it was taken over by the Americans in 2003. Iran wondered what their fate might be. Eight years later, still nothing has happened to them. Iran won’t have them back and they’re struggling to stay in Iraq. Who’s going to offer a safe haven to 3,500 MEK members, all on the US terrorist list? …

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12,000 Iranians victims of MKO terror

Iran has criticized the West’s support for the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) despite the group’s deadly attacks and crimes against thousands of Iranians.At a meeting with the head of South Korean Supreme Court in Tehran on Tuesday, Iranian Justice Minister Morteza Bakhtiari said “12,000 Iranians have fallen victim to MKO’s acts of terror but the U.S. and Europe keep supporting the terrorist group,”..

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Right Group Blasts US Daily for Politicizing Campaign against Terrorism

We the families of the terror victims of the Middle-East, including Iraq, Turkey, Kuwait and thousands of Iranians who have been suffering years of pain, condemn any terrorist act, anywhere in the world and against any one, avoiding any classification between good and bad terrorism,”the association said in a letter to the US daily, Boston Globe…In fact the danger of this group is no less than the Al-Qaeda and we, the families of terrorism victims in the Middle East who are themselves the victims of this group, consider the danger of this group far more than the Al-Qaeda,”the letter concluded.

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