The MEK’s terrorist activities

Right Group Slams Independent for Releasing Biased Report in Defense of Terrorists

the MKO terrorist group keeps its members in a socially and mentally isolated environment in order to pull out the members’ abilities to think and make decisions. The leaders of this terrorist cult are completely aware of the role of Ashraf camp in preserving the cultic structure of MKO and their authority over members. Therefore they have decided to keep the Camp by any possible way. .. the self-immolation of members or throwing them in front of the Iraqi vehicles with the aim of exposing the ability of the cult in degenerating the members and sacrificing them.

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Iraq: Ashraf camp victims killed by own guards

… Deaths resulting from an Iraqi army raid on an Iranian opposition[MKO/MEK/PMOI] camp on its soil were caused by the camp’s[Ashraf] own guards firing on residents attempting to escape, an Iraqi spokesman said Thursday. The comments from Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh came shortly after a United Nations spokesman in New York said 34 people were killed in the April 8 raid on Camp Ashraf, the residence of the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran (PMOI), in Diyala province north of Baghdad. ..

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Iraqi Source Discloses US Aid to MKO Terrorist Operations

…”Nobody dares to make any obstacles on the way of American vehicles’ arrival at camp Ashraf and they easily enter the camp without being questioned. So, they take the MKO members out of the camp for terrorist operation and then carry them back to the camp when they are finished,”Sheikh Al-Jabouri continued. He underlined that the MKO (also known as the MEK, PMOI, NCRI, the Rajavi Cult) terrorist group has never abandoned its terrorist operations, and stated,”We have suffered many losses since the arrival of the Americans in our country and continuation and spread of terrorist operations in Iraq is among them.””We have devoted numerous martyrs in the way of defending our country, but …

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Mojahedin Khalq terrorist operations using American vehicles

… Sheikh Ibrahim Abdullah Al- jabouri also added: “nobody dares to make any obstacles on the way of American vehicles’ arrival at camp Ashraf and they easily enter the camp without being questioned. Then they would take MKO members out of the camp for terrorist operation and then would carry them back to the camp when they are finished… He said:”We have devoted numerous martyrs in the way of defending our country; but we would do our best to expel terrorist groups, Mujahedin-e Khalq in particular, from our country and …

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Economist: Saddam used MEK to crush Iraqi Kurds

Allegations concerning the uprising of 1991 are currently being aired before Iraq’s High Tribunal, which has already heard the testimony of numerous victims who say they were targeted by the Mojahedin e-Khalq (MEK/MKO/PMOI)..Professor Raymond Tanter,wrote a paper in which he states: “Following their expulsion from Iran by Ayatollah Khomeini in the early 1980s, the MEK allied with Saddam Hussein and, in exchange for providing domestic security operations against Iraqi Shiites and Kurds..

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Iran Asks UNHRC to Probe West’s Ties with MKO, PJAK, Jundollah Terrorist Groups

Iran’s Envoy to the UN Human Rights Council also blasted the EU for striking off the name of the MKO/MEK/PMOI from the list of the terrorist groups and sheltering its members, and said the West should account for the blood of those innocent people spilled by these terrorist groups..Sajjadi raised the issue during a meeting of the UNHRC in Geneva, elaborating on the criminal actions taken by the terrorist groups in Iran in recent years, including hostage-taking, massacre of the people and bomb blasts..

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ADVT: West should stop supporting MKO terrorists

… The support made by some international bodies and governments for the terrorist groups can be regarded as one of the problems in the course of the global fight against terrorism. In spite of the existence of anti-terrorism laws and Security Council and UN General Assembly Resolutions on suppressing this plight, we witness the support of some governmental officials of the activities of the terrorist groups [such as MKO/MRK/PMOI]Such terrorist groups are included in the list of the terrorist organizations ..

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The Saddam Oil Vouchers Affair and MKO

The Mujahideen Khalq (36.5) is an organization which opposes the Iranian regime which had operated from within Iraq under the Saddam regime. The United States has classified it as a terrorist organization and it has recently been ordered to leave Iraq.

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Double standard on terror

… MEK’s international reach extends to Canada. On April 5, 1992, Iran’s Ottawa embassy was stormed by a group of Iranian exiles linked to MEK aka MKO/PMOI/NCR. The mob ransacked much of the interior and broke the ambassador’s arm. It was part of a co-ordinated series of actions that saw Iranian embassies attacked in Europe that same day. MEK has no popular base in any country. It relies totally on foreign sponsorship. During the 1980-88 war against Iran launched by Iraq’s late dictator, Saddam Hussein, which was funded partly by the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Gulf states, ..

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What’s Behind the Campaign to Delist the Mujahedin al-Khalq Organization?

..I consider the MKO a terrorist group for good reason. There is no doubt that the MKO has targeted Americans, and no amount of slick public relations should erase that. During my time in Iran, it was clear that while Iranians respect the United States and have little good to say about their own government, they all detest the MKO/MEK/PMOI.The enemy of my enemy is not always a friend: Iranian attitudes toward the MKO are analogous to Americans’ views toward American Taliban ..

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