The MEK’s terrorist activities

An Unholy Alliance

..While the human rights issue of the refugees trapped in Camp Ashraf has to be dealt with in a compassionate way, the State Department must continue to resist pressures to legitimize the MKO. Pressure to remove the MKO from the U.S. terrorism list is a cynical ploy that can only have negative consequences for both the U.S. and the Iranian people.Legitimizing the MKO will not change the fact that it remains a terrorist organization, which has betrayed the Iranian people twice and is willing to go to any length to promote its undemocratic goals..

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Pre planned Assassination by MKO terrorists

… Jalleh, a Tehran University student, was assassinated by members of the anti-Iran terrorist group, Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), during an illegal rally in the Iranian capital on February 14. The intelligence minister further pointed out that Jalleh’s assassination was part of a pre-planned scheme by the MKO, adding “they had identified their victim in advance and had planned to assassinate him…

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MKO Intends to Open Fire on Civilians

..A senior Iranian legislator warned that the hirelings and members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) have hatched a plot to start unrests in Tehran today in a bid to open fire on the civilians to bring the police and security forces into armed clashes..the MKO members plan to kill the people who gather in streets to put the blame on the Iranian security forces in order to create a rift between the nation and government,..

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MKO terror teams were managed directly by Mayam Rajavi from HQ in Paris

…”In this terrorist operation which took place in Tehran’s Qasroddasht neighborhood on Monday February 14, the Basiji student, Saneh Zhaleh, was martyred and four others were severely wounded,”it added.”A student activist in France disclosed that over 350 members of the MKO had been sent from several European and Asian countries to Tehran and other major Iranian cities, based on plan drawn by the main ringleader of the MKO, Massoud Rajavi,”..the MKO teams intended to start riots, set fire on garbage cans..

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Iran lawmaker: West sponsors terrorism

Today, you are seeking the extradition of a terrorist named Cesare Battisti from Brazil over the murder of four of your fellow countrymen 30 years ago. This is while the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group has martyred 14,000 of Iranians and yet you have removed it from your list of terrorist groups. This is an instance of sponsoring terrorism..

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Why do we seek prosecution of Rajavi?

… Massoud Rajavi and the heads of his cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] have a huge file in the Iraqi judiciary which is truly bigger than the one of Saddam Hussein and his aides. But the trial of the leaders of the cult has had the same fate as Maryam Rajavi’s file in Paris – she was arrested and charged with attempting terrorist activities against defectors and fraud and money laundry more than seven and a half years ago and she is still waiting trial – since for the time being she has been hired by the Americans and the Israelis …

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Rights Group Urges US Officials to Abandon Support for MKO

..To conduct a real campaign against terrorism, we, the families of terror victims, expect you to stop supporting and making an instrumental use of the terrorist groups, including the terrorist and anti-human group of Mojahedin-e Khalq aka MEK/MKO/PMOI, as a tool and move towards the total annihilation of terrorism,..the terrorist group is one of the most hated terrorist organizations in the Middle-East, specially among the Iranian, Iraqi and Kuwaiti people..

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On the Anniversary of Explosion at US offices in Tehran

On January 1973 a few terrorist explosions took place in some American buildings and companies including RTI Radio Television Company and Pan American airlines. The terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq which pretends to be a human rights defender issued statements and claimed the responsibility for the explosions. The MKO (PMOI) stated that such acts were in line with their anti-capitalist and anti-American objectives..there are more than 12000 Iranians and thousands of Iraqis and Kuwaitis assassinated by MKO..

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Beeman– Mojaheddin-e Khalq Can Never Rule Iran

..they stayed in Iraq under Saddam’s protection during the Iran-Iraq war caused widespread expressions of hate for them in Iranthey are completely guilty of terrorist operations in the pre-Revolutionary days, and they continue to take credit for bombings and civil unrest in Iran… the most important fact that Bolton, Ros-Lehtinin and others fail to comprehend is that the MEK could never, never in a million years form an alternative government in Iran. The Iranian people mistrust them at best, and most thoroughly despise them and think them to be traitors.

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MKO terrorists attack Iraqi army personnel in Camp Ashraf

… Mojahedin Khalq terrorist forces inside Ashraf garrison have organised a provocative demonstration during which they have attacked the Iraqi military forces stationed inside the camp resulting in the injury of several of the Iraqi forces. They shouted slogans at the Iraqis saying “I will kill, I will kill, the one who killed my brother” while attacking the Iraqis in charge of the security of the camp. They were apparently trying to overcome the Iraqi security forces in a bid to reach the families who have been picketing …

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