The MEK’s terrorist activities

PMOI began their terror campaign by killing Americans

… Massoud Rajavi was on the stage and while he had his hands on his waist he began a war cry against the USA, and in his admiration for Osama Ben Laden ,he said,”This was fanatical Islam which trembled and shacked the basis of US Imperialism and they destroyed the twin towers which were the symbol of their power, and successfully reduced it to rubble through their successful mission”. ..”What will happen to the USA if revolutionary Islam with our Ideology and Maryam’s leadership comes to power, then this paper tiger (the USA) will be destroyed as a whole.” …

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Iranian families participating in a gathering in Baghdad

In this meeting a number of 15 individuals from the families of the members of Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO – Rajavi cult-MEK-PMOI) trapped in Ashraf garrison were invited. They answered the questions of the reporters and other participants. Many news agencies and public media including some television and satellite channels were present in this gathering.

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US Department of State report transfixed the laughter on MKO lips

… Happiness and rejoice of the Mojahedin-e Khlaq members did not last for a long time and the laughter transfixed on their lips soon. After that the US federal court issued an order to the Department of State for reviewing the terrorist designation of the MKO [MEK/PMOI/NCRI], Leaders of this organization intended to pretend that they had nothing to do with arms and terrorism. Now following the Department of state’s report for keeping the name of this organization in the terrorist list of US, they are completely stupefied…

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US Intelligence Assessments Warn about MKO’s Terrorist Activities

Among the disclosures in the declassified material was an August 2008 US Intelligence Community Terrorist Threat Assessment, which clearly states that”the MKO[MEK/PMOI/NCRI] retains a limited capability to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism”.”The MKO publicly renounced violence in 2001, but limited intelligence reporting indicates that the group has not ended military operations, repudiated violence, or completely or voluntarily disarmed,”the US intelligence report said.

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Court Order Doesn’t Mean MKOs Removal from U.S. FTO List

Regardless of John Bolton’s—or any other official’s ambition for Iran, and regardless of the MKOs position or non-position on the FTO list, the MKO simply can not and should not be a trusted device. Following the 2005 report of Human Rights Watch on MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCRI atrocities against its own members titled”No Exit,”various cases of human rights violations by the MKO was revealed through testimonies made by the group’s former members..

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Israel’s Secret Relationship with MKO

MKO’s secret ties with Israel do not begin or end with Iranian nuclear documents. They also unabashedly attend AIPAC functions. In fact, the MKO has intensive and very direct cooperation with the Iran Policy Committee, a spinoff of AIPAC..In hope that Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the MKO, will become the puppet of the United States—a shoe in the door in Iran, the NCRI’s website maintains a canopy of praise for the U.S. for anything which is against Iran and the Iranian people…

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The MEK remained in US terror list

Despite all the vast propaganda campaign and pulling any lobbying string, while leaving no stone unturned, for taking the name of MEK/MKO/PMOI out of the US State Department terror list, once again this terrorist group was designated as a foreign terrorist organization.In a new report by the US Department of State office of the coordination for counterterrorism which was released on August 5, 2010, Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization was referred to as a terrorist organization…

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The Mujahedin-e Khalq: Who are they really?

The leadership of [MKO/MEK/PMOI]. has not set foot in Iran for almost thirty years, and yet still feel entitled to speak on behalf of Iranian citizens. Do they really know what the people want? Why so many MEPs, MPs and other policy makers cannot see this as a problem is difficult to understand. It cannot be for a lack of information, because the group has been extensively written …

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Brushing the Dust off a Court Ruling

..MKO is challenging its designation as a FTO and bringing it before the court. And the State Department’s response in all the last threes has been nothing but to re-designate it, as it will be probably with this last one. Let’s see what remarkable points the organization has noticed specified in the ruling that may signify a triumph for it..

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MKO’s disastrous military venture

In spite of MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI widespread terrorist operations of bombing and assassination inside Iran and its later out-of-the-border organized hit and run operations perpetrated in the last three decades as well as its broadly launched military operation like that of the Eternal Light, it seems that the organization has never been considered a serious threat for the Iranian regime..

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