The MEK’s terrorist activities

Families of Terror victims’ objection to the MKO leader’s visit of Finland

… After Maryam Rajavi’s visit of Finland, families of terrorism victims of Iran wrote a letter to the Finland Ambassador in Tehran in order to express their objection to accepting this international terrorist by Finnish government …we expect the Finnish Government and Parliament representatives to consider this issue and to do some research about the background and previous activities of MKO/MEK/PMOI…

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Reality Check: Understanding a terrorist organization, MEK

Among MEK’s [MKO/PMOI]terrorist acts against civilians, the most crucial ones are “Attack on offices of General Motors in 1972, Bombing of offices of Oman Bank and Pan-American Oil and of gates of British embassy in 1974,suicide attacks targeting senior clerics in Tabriz, Khorasan, Shiraz and Rasht in 1981 and 1982,simultaneous raids on Iranian embassies in 13 countries in 1922,..

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Statement of De-Baathification Campaign against MKO

According to the researches made by responsible Security Organizations, Muajhedin Khalq Organization was involved in the current explosions in Iraq’s Khalis town which led to the injury and martyrdom of innocent people of the region.” The Iraqis’s De-Baathification movement declared in a statement issued on April, 5 2010.

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Iraqis demand MKO’s ouster by next Iraqi government

The people of Al-Khalis urged the next government to expel the members of terrorist MKO aka MEK/PMOI group, stationed in Camp Ashraf in Diyala province. They said the MKO’s case was resolved through the country’s constitution and the group had no place in Iraq, Iran’s Mehr News Agency quoted Nahrain news website as saying…Meanwhile, a leader of Badr Organization, Abbas Al-faridavi in Diyala Province reiterated that the MKO group is behind the assassination of Shia leaders ..

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US: Homeless woman was MKO top terrorist leader

The documents, obtained from Brooklyn court files on Monday, say two confidential informants in Iraq identified Zeinab Taleb-Jedi, 51, as a leader of the Mujahedeen Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI. The group was identified in court papers as Mujahedin-e Khalq. One of the informants told the FBI that Taleb-Jedi was on a council”responsible for making leadership decisions for the organization, including approving specific acts of terrorism”against Iran, the papers said.

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Feminist Terrorism: Not a Joke

the group[MKO/MEK/PMOI] still poses a threat. Most seriously, the threat is within the West if a similar group is established on our soil, because our feminist laws will allow them to organize and menace men with impunity. Just as Saddam made use of women with tanks and heavy weapons to terrorize his own people, it is not inconceivable that feminist militias in the US..

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Blood of Iraqi Children at the Hands of MKO Terrorists

The Iraqi people are familiar with the strong relationship that linked the organization with elements of the former regime and the coalition between them and the fateful military support and material submitted to it by the former system and they will never forget the blood of Iraqi children that has been lost at the hands of these terrorists, and now [the Iraqi people] insist on their right to bring them to trial and justice.

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Iraq Finds Evidence of MKO’s Involvement in Public Massacre

In the documents found at Iraq’s intelligence ministry and other security offices after the toppling of Saddam, the leaders of the terrorist organization have announced that they slaughtered 25,000 Iraqi people on different occasions and over various issues,”different Iraqi groups in the eastern province of Diyala said in a statement released to the country’s Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki.

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MKO still deserves its terrorist listing

The People’s Mujahidin is sick and tired of being called a terrorist organization by the U.S. government..The government’s lawyer, Douglas Letter, wasn’t about to negotiate with”an organization that for at least 30 years has been involved in terrorism, violence, assassination, et cetera.”He admitted the public record was not sufficient to demonstrate that the group still poses a threat, but he said”it was the classified material”that made it clear that the group still deserves its terrorist listing.

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The New Year and the new promise of MKO leader

Regardless of what the Iranian regime’s authorities refer to as the engagement of foreign hands in the recent anti-government riots, for certain the agents that carried the operations have been those who have long announced war and armed struggle against the regime and have proved to be serious in their strategy and can never make any change to turn to peaceful and democratic ways.

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