The MEK’s terrorist activities

“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”in Mashhad

“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”exhibition was held by Habilian Association (families of 16000 Iranian terror victims) in Mashhad, north east of Iran. Highly welcomed by the visitors,..Documents on scandals of MKO leaders, forced divorces and violating women rights within the MKO, the cult’s tricks to attract Iranian youth, MKO’s vast assassination attempts ..were on show..I suggest you to hold this in schools so that crimes of the MKO will be revealed to the Iranian young generation.

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Petition Against MKO in France

In an interview with martyr Lieutenant Gen. Sayyad Shirazi’s Son, reporter of Terror Victims information base, posed some questions in order to explore his assassination from a new angle..From four years ago this case is being followed in an international impartial court in France. At the beginning of this year, in early Farvardin [March] I had a one-week trip to France in order to set forth my family’s complaint and to explain the details ..

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Study faults US handling of MKO terrorists in Iraq

A recent report by the RAND Corporation, a prominent think tank that does research for the US Government, illustrate that Washington committed a judgmental error when dealing with the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) in Iraq… To make matters worse, the group, who had a long history of trickery, had asserted that it had not engaged coalition forces in combat. Officers responsible for detaining the MKO accepted this claim, even though at least one special-forces-casualty had resulted from combat with the group.

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“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”in a Qazvin university

Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”exhibition was held by Habilian Association in Azad Islamic University of Qazvin. The exhibition was held in order for the students to become familiar with the background and crimes of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). … Thank you for holding the exhibition. It introduced the enemies of Islam and Iran openly to the youth who do not have much knowledge about MKO’s background. I hope this will continue through the educational year …

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Open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury

Secretary General of Habilian Association wrote an open letter to the leader of the Anglican Church in a response to his recent support of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, aka PMOI).”Your support of a terrorist cult highly involved in genocide in Iraq and killing more than 12000 innocent Iranian people surely means supporting their crimes,”Mohammad Javad Hashemi Nejad said in his letter to Rowan Williams..On September 20, the Archbishop of Canterbury issued a statement highlighting his concerns for the residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

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Washington backed MKO terrorists in Iraq are still active

IRI Ambassador to London in a letter to Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury warned about his statement in support to the Mojahedin Khalq Grouplet in Ashraf Camp in Iraq. Rasoul Movahedian addressed Williams, a UK high ranking religious official for his clear support to the MKO grouplet and said Williams message in support of the terrorist grouplet is dangerous and has a political consequence.

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Organized Violence at Camp Ashraf

MEK despite what its leaders claim, has never followed a peaceful option to achieve its goals. Massoud Rajavi, like Stalin, divided the world to two groups:”With MEK and Against MEK”[MKO/PMOI]; he isolated the organization behind the barbed wires so no idea or no individual is able to get in or out..The culture of violence is not only included in physical violence but also in verbal violence. The physical violence is based on verbal violence.

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Iraqi Court Receives 5,000 Complaints against MKO, Former Baghdad Regime

Iraq’s supreme criminal court assigned to review crimes done by the former Iraqi Baath regime during the 1991 uprising (Shabaniyah Intifada) announced that it has received 5,000 complaints filed against the regime and anti Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). .The families of the victims as well as those disabled during the suppression of the uprising have asked for chasing and punishing those responsible for the crimes done during the suppression of intifada in northern and southern Iraq..

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Washington wants to write off the Mujahedin-e Khalq

The truth of the matter is that the decision to sever ties with the MEK was taken by Washington following a study undertaken by the Rand Corporation, which established, on the one hand, the criminal character of the organization (cracking down on Kurdish and Shia dissidents on behalf of Saddam Hussein) and, on the other hand, its sectarian set-up (the religious cult of the Rajavi couple and the sequestration of their members).

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Rioters Underline MKO’s Leading Role in Iran’s Recent Unrests

Nasser Abdul-Hosseini, alias Behrouz, who was detained for his major role in post-election unrests made the confessions to a court hearing in Tehran ..”I went there (the MKO’s Ashraf camp) after crossing Iran-Iraq border at Qashr-e Shirin illegally and I was trained by a person named Siyavash in a bid to stage operations in Tehran,”Hosseini said during the court hearing.. he learned how to make Cocktail Molotov and received trainings from a woman named Zohreh, a London-based MKO member

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