The MEK’s terrorist activities

MKO in search of an alternative Ashraf in Europe

the attempts of Rajavi in recent years have been futile failing in transferring MKO members from Iraq that is no more a safe haven for those who were once engaged in committing terrorist actions against Iraqi people on their own soil. The hostile position taken by Rajavi in Iraq despite his illegal settlement therein has been a warning for other countries not to let him and his organization in. Rajavi is well aware that at the time being no country consents to give refugee to Mojahedin ..

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On the occasion of American Independence Day

large scale organised American support for Mirhossein Mousavi.. Notably Mr Mousavi served as the Islamic Republic’s Prime Minister in the early years of the Islamic Republic when the same Americans were calling him the henchman of Ayatollah Khomeini, etc..On the occasion of American Independence Day, let us remember the people who lost their lives for their country and wonder at those people who stand today under the same flag only to LOBBY for the murderers of their servicemen. ..

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MKO behind Iran embassy attack in Sweden

Iranian authorities say anti-Iran terrorist group MKO has been involved in the recent attack on the Iranian embassy near Stockholm in Sweden. The Iranian Embassy in Sweden came under attack on Friday when more than 150 people gathered outside its main building to protest the outcome of the June 12 presidential election. One of the embassy personnel was seriously injured in the attack, police said..

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MKO Members among Arrestees in Tehran

The arrestees confessed that they have been guided by some of the ringleaders of MKO in Britain and were ordered to destruct public amenities, including gas stations, buses and Basij barracks. These rioters also confessed that they were trained in Iraq and infiltrated into Iran to make riots. The MKO, whose main stronghold is in Iraq, is blacklisted by much of the international community, including the United States.

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In Iran Crisis, Paris Exile Group Plays Disputed Role

the reality described by Iran experts. Diplomats, academics and intelligence officials say most people inside Iran want nothing to do with the NCRI or its primary member organization, Mujehadine-e-Khalq (MEK) — whose bloody attacks on the Iranian regime in the 1980s and ’90s landed it on the U.S.’s terrorism list. Experts say the NCRI’s support in Iran is now tiny and its international base is shrinking. ..”..the supporters in [Iran] … have all mostly vanished,”says Olivier Roy

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Confessions of arrested MKO members in recent disturbances

I was trained in camp Ashraf how to set fire to buses and attack the military bases .According to Political correspondent of Fars News Agency, after confessing to direct communication with MKO terrorist group, the two arrested members of MKO in recent disturbances in Tehran stated that they had been trained by this terrorist cult for launching terrorist operations and creating unrest and insecurity in Iran after the elections

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MKO elements arrested in last night riots

A number of MKO terrorist elements who have been trained in Ashraf camp in Iraq and entered Iran in order to carry out terrorist actions were identified and arrested. According to Fars News Agency correspondent a group of MKO terrorist members were arrested during the last night riots while carrying a considerable amount of fire arms.These elements were blindly shooting at the street gatherings and security forces in different parts of the capital.

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MKO agents arrested in Tehran riots

Agents of the terrorist group Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK) have been found and arrested among the agitators of Tehran streets in the past few days. Arrested people have confessed that after being trained in Iraq, they have infiltrated into Iran and that they were guided and supported by MKO operation room in Britain. Iranian television broadcast their confesses and their telephone conversations with a number of leaders of that group in which they ordered them for sabotage like setting fire on buses..

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Iran finds US-backed MKO fingermarks in riots

The terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO,MEK/PMOI) has reportedly played a major role in intensifying the recent wave of street violence in Iran. Iranian security officials reported Saturday that they have identified and arrested a large number of MKO members who were involved in recent riots in Iran’s capital. According to the security officials, the arrested members had confessed that they were extensively trained in Iraq’s camp Ashraf to create post-election mayhem in the country.

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MKO thirst for alliance with other terrorist groups

Terrorist groups such as People’s Mujahedeen and Jundollah follow the same approach and some western countries like United States and Britain are never expected to put a stop to the criminal activities of such groups because the sponsorship of terrorism would be carried out by the same two countries..Mujahedeen have lost their major supporter and now seek to postpone the closure of camp Ashraf at any rate and their cooperation with Jundollah is in an attempt to describe the situation crucial so as to draw a part of the attention of Iran and Iraq to other things

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