The MEK’s terrorist activities

James Longley on his ‘MEK and US Relations’

According to the Council on Foreign Relations, ‘The U.S. State Department lists the Mujahadeen-e-Khalq aka PMOI,MKO,MEK as a terrorist organization for its association with Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi regime until the dictator’s ouster by the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.’ It also states that ‘the MEK was blamed for Western targets in the 1970s and for supporting the 1979 American embassy takeover in Tehran. Over the last two decades, however, the group’s continued presence on the U.S. terrorist group list primarily involves its activities directed from Iraqi territory against Iran

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Jundullah admits MKO connection

Rigi told a US-based satellite TV station,”They (MKO/MEK/PMOI) have had good intelligence collaborations with us and have provided us with much information about the activities of the Iranian regime.”..The al-Qaeda-affiliated Jundullah is a sectarian Sunni organization that occasionally launches terrorist attacks against Shias in the southeastern Iranian province of Baluchestan from across the border in Pakistan..Rigi told a US-based satellite TV station, monitored by the ISNA news agency on June 2,”They (MKO) have had good intelligence collaborations with us.

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Serious Confessions on MKO Crimes

Batul Sultani, former leader of the terrorist [Mojahedin-e] Khalq Organization, has divulged serious confessions about the nature of actions carried out by the organization. Al-Sultani has recently defected from the Ashraf Camp in protest against the policies implemented there ..In a video report by Al-Iraqiyah correspondent Haydar al-Abbudi, Al-Sultani is shown saying:”Mas’ud Rajavi had close relations with Saddam. He used to resort to him in many issues, like suppressing the sh’abaniyah uprising in the south and centre and the areas of Klar, Kifri, and Tuz Khurmatu in the north. Rajavi sent 5,000 members of the organization to quell the uprising and kill the innocents.”

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Iranian dissidents in Iraq

Most of Camp Ashraf’s inhabitants received military training under Saddam Hussein’s regime and took part with his Presidential Guard and other Iraqi security forces in crushing the Iraqi people’s uprising after the liberation of Kuwait in 1991. There is ample evidence that the MKO harmed the Iraqi people when the Iraqi army refused to carry out the killings that Hussein required. Many families of the victims in Iraq cannot forget this …

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MEK helped suppressing 1991 uprising – defector

MEK played a prominent role in repressing the intifada in the southern Iraqi cities in 1991 as it sent forces from the organization to the cities of al-Amara and Diala, as the former regime did not rely on its soldiers more than relying on the MEK/MKO/PMOI fighters in this particular respect,” Batoul Soltani said in a press conference she held in Baghdad on Saturday

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German secret service report highlights MKO terror role

The German secret service which continues to monitor the MKO, stressed the Paris-based terror group was”responsible for scores of attacks”inside Iran over the past three decades.The report pointed out the MKO was no longer capable of conducting terror assaults in Iran ever since the collapse of Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hossein. The Israeli-backed MKO terror group had collaborated with the former Saddam regime, brutally massacring tens of thousands of Iraq Kurds and Shias. The MKO has been involved in the mass killings of thousands of innocent Iranians over the past 30 years.

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Regime change in Iraq resulted dramatic changes for Rajavi

(Memoirs of Ms. Batoul Soltani – Part 12 )..In 1985 and 1986, Rajavi began his military campaign by bringing his innocent sympathizers from all over the world to Iraq by any means he could, including force, intimidation, and deception. They sent smugglers to gather homeless youth and bring them into the organization. When the recruits were transferred to Iraq, they settled in Camp Ashraf in North of Iraq. From the beginning, MKO/PMOI/MEK needed to have a section to organize its relations with the Iraqi government so it was established and named Foreign Relations Department.

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Documents about the crimes of MKO in Iraq

“We have collected many documents about the crimes Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization has so far committed in Iraq; but Americans refrain from letting us find access to a part of documents over MKO crimes inside the country”announced chief investigative judge of the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court.. al-Bedeyri also said: We have managed to meet many remnant families of MKO suppression of Kurds in northern Iraq and have collected remarkable documents in this regard.

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Iraqi MP: Iraq Pursuing MKO Expulsion Seriously

The Iraqi parliament is seriously pursuing expulsion of the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), from the country, an Iraqi lawmaker said on Sunday. “Despite pressures exerted by certain bodies to prevent expulsion of MKO/MEK/PMOI, the Iraqi parliament is following the case seriously,”Iman al-Asadi, a member of the Shiite United Iraqi Alliance (UIA) – the largest bloc in the Iraqi parliament with 83 out of a total 275 seats

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Britons support PMOI in letter to Obama

Though largely targeting Iranian government officials, PMOI’s(MKO, MEK, Mojahedin Khalq, Rajavi cult) killing of American contractors in Tehran in the 1970s, participation alongside Saddam Hussein’s forces in suppressing Kurdish and Shiite rebellions in Iraq in 1991 and later attacks on Iranian embassies in 1992 earned it a spot on the terrorist lists of several nations … President Bill Clinton included the PMOI on the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organizations list in 1997 following the election of Khatami.

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