The MEK’s terrorist activities


And those who shed tears for such a terrorist group which is rejected by the whole world must be aware that terrorists who have sold their souls to the devil would be prepared to do anything to complete the transaction even if they need to backstab their hosts… for those who are not still convinced, the alternative solution is that they «host» MKO(MEK, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi cult) in their own countries away from Iraq

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The terrorist challenge of MKO and the West

The present challenge posed on the west by MKO is a strategic one with idealism and self-interests as its two ends. It is almost two and half a decade that MKO has turned problematic for the west as an armed, ideological, cultic and radical opposition group. The recent regional transitions as well as invasion of Iraq by coalition forces followed by the fall of Saddam in particular have proved that this predicament is worsening ever-increasingly. In this regard, this challenge can be investigated in three different but interrelated fronts: Iran, Iraq, and West.

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Crimes of MKO in Iraq discussed

… Dr. Abdalzahra Mohye: many and Iraqi families have suffered from crimes committed by MKO. As the private army of Saddam Hussein, this little group assisted former regime to massacre Iraqi Kurds and suppress Shiites Intifada.I saw it with my own eyes how they killed innocent people in a mosque in Baghdad’s Sadr district…

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Terrorist MKO supporters confess in US

Seven Iranian-Americans confess collecting money for anti-Iran terrorists loyal to the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO). The MKO is blacklisted as a terrorist organization by many international entities and countries, including the US.”With jury selection in the case underway, the seven defendants each pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization and one count of actually providing material support to the group,”…

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Terrorists living among us

..The Mojahedin-e Khalq (also known as MEK inside Iran) means People’s Advocates, yet more than 90% of their intended targets and almost 95% of their casualties have been Iranian civilians. ..Once the NCR started campaigning for money and influence in Washington for assistance against the Iranian Islamic government, the U.S. politicians and the Israeli lobbyist ignored their origins and their past activities against American civilians…

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MEK: an obstacle to Obama administration’s debate with Iran

MKO’s involvement in terrorism is very clear in its four-decade history. It assassinated several American civilians and military personnel’s working in Iran in the 1970’s. Once MKO has been disarmed by the US army, they have no more arms to assassinate their targets physically but this does not end their terrorism since MKO is a terrorist group by nature which has all the criteria of a destructive cult because of its destructive approaches against its victims. MKOCult maintains its terrorist nature by its manipulative mind control system.

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To: German Embassy in Paris

I was informed by the Iranian opposition media today, such a terrible shocker, so that one of Mojahedin victims called Mohammad Sobhani was recently attacked by the Mojahedin cult [PMOI/MEK/MKO]terrorists in Cologne..As I closely know them and on the other hand, the historical and political reality and experience during last three decades has shown that the terrorism and the thought of cultism does not recognize any kind of geographical and moral border. Therefore, such terrorist activities by this cult are natural and expectable.

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Unwanted guests, Iraq’s controversial issue

As Mr. Mutlaq defines, these convicted members are the oppressed who need to be provided with help and support. Where the interests of the nation stand and who is responsible to defend themif they ever have any priority, is a question that none of the likes of Mr. Mutlaq can ever find a solution for. MKO might be a complex issue to deal with, but the Iraqi government has coped with it cleverly and will put an end to it whether its advocates like it or not.

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Interpol issues arrest warrant for 12 MKO members

Interpol has issued arrest warrant for 12 members of the terrorist Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) for involvement in ‘illegal’ operations, wrote an Iraqi daily.Al-Sabah in its Monday issue quoted a judicial source in Iraqi Diyala province as saying that 12 of the terrorist MKO/PMOI/MEK members are accused of being involved in ‘illegal’ operations, including kidnapping.

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Hosted by terrorists?

An organization in Ottawa’s bad books wined and dined Canadian politicians..Critics, including other Iranian opposition groups as well as the U.S. State Department, describe the NCRI as a personality cult built around Maryam Rajavi and her husband, Massoud, who hasn’t been seen in public for years. Several of its supporters, including at least one Canadian, have set themselves on fire during public protests

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