The MEK’s terrorist activities

European Justice

Now that you have decided that the Mojahedin-e Khalq”random mortar launchers”are not a terrorist group, please would the European Council put me and my family on their terrorism list so that the system will be completed.

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Europe vs. MKO

It seems that EU didn’t obey Vienna Convention (which is binding for all individuals) and removed the group from terror list in a political act. MKO/PMOI/MEK has committed numerous crimes worldwide especially in Iran and Iraq and its terrorist designation is perfectly documented based in true facts.

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MKO still being monitored by Germany

Although the EU has removed the name of MKO from its terror list, the notorious MKO terror group is still being monitored by Germany’s domestic Verfassungsschutz intelligence agency, a high-level German government official, requesting anonymity told IRNA recently in Berlin…The MKO has been involved in the mass murders of thousands of innocent Iranians over the past 30 years.

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MKO; Iran Exile Group in Line for Huge Cash Windfall

The controversial Iranian exile organization MEK, which the United States calls a terrorist group, could soon see a windfall of tens of millions of dollars as the result of the European Union’s decision ..The MEK can use some of that cash to pay legal settlements with former members that they tortured, as well as the families of Iranians they killed when they fought on the side of Saddam against Iran

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Iran pushes Iraq to close MKO camp

Baghdad announced that it planned to close the camp last December, the same month the US reaffirmed the MKO’s”terrorist”status…at least one high-ranking MKO/PMOI/MEK member forced back to Iran received prison time but relatively lenient treatment…The problem for the organization is they haven’t had a martyr for many years.

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Should the MEK Stay or Should it Go?

The MEK is still on the list of terrorist groups of the United States, because its fundamental values are anti-western and violent…Are we talking about holy water or the devil itself? The Council on Foreign Relations has a detailed description of the MEK:”…Experts say that MEK has increasingly come to resemble a cult that is devoted to Massoud Rajavi’s secular interpretation of the Koran and is prone to sudden, dramatic ideological shifts.” The MEK, in fact, also has a political arm, called The National Council of Resistance of Iran headed by Maryam Rajavi’s husband, Massoud. No one really knows where Massoud Rajavi is living now..

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Mr.Kouchner; P.M.O.I is a terrorist cult

We are ready to testify against the crimes that PMOI have done . We are all victims of this cult whom have been tortured physically and psychologically by the cultic criminals in this notorious cult. PMOI is a terrorist organization and should face the consequences of killing innocent people of IRAQ as well as mistreatment , misbehavior , torture and killing of the dissidents who were against RAJAVI’s cultic terrorist ideology inside the cult…Bernard Kouchner, French Foreign Minister, replied on December 10 at the French Senate in a matter of a senator and has declared that”France is indeed in favor of retaining the Mujahedin (PMOI/MKO) on the European list of terrorist organizations.

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MEK; Controversial freedom fighters

After the fall of Saddam there is no use from the cult-like militia, the U.S. is wary of them, because even killings of U.S. soldiers during the Shah’s time go to their account. ..The contradiction continues, because the EU states are divided in the assessment of the Iranian opposition movement. France wants to appeal the decision of the EU’s Court of appeal. States such as Austria, Ireland, Denmark and Luxembourg, however, argue that the Iranian opposition group after the decision of the EU judges could not stay on the terrorist list. This list, via a unanimous decision made by all 27 EU member states is renewed every six months.

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UK Justice Secretary: MKO remains terrorist

London-Jack Straw, the British Justice Secretary, says the outlawed Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) is a terrorist group from the viewpoint of his government. Straw told IRNA the MKO is a terrorist organisation and the British government is at the same position that the government of the Islamic Republic is.

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