The MEK’s terrorist activities

So What to Do with Those Mujahedin Terrorists?

The faith of this State Department-listed terrorist organization of Mujahedin Khalq aka PMOI has been unclear. Hated by Iraqis for its involvement in Saddam’s crimes against the Iraqi people, the Baghdad government wants to expel the Mujahedin group. But no country is willing to take them..The European governments have little interest in taking in 3,000 battle-hardened militants of MKO/MEK, fearing that they will use Europe as a base to plan and execute further terrorist attacks ..Rather than debating where to expel the Mujahedin (MKO) terrorists, help should be provided to the rank and file to break with the cult and make free choices about their future. It’s the only humanitarian solution to this dilemma

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MKO, another version of al-Qaeda

A spokesman for the family members of terrorism victims in Iran says the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) is simply an earlier version of al-Qaeda.. the spokesman for the Edaalat Society, which represents over 12,000 relatives of Iranian victims of terrorism, said the MKO / PMOI and al-Qaeda use the same methods to lure their members into carrying out terrorist attacks.

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NCRI and Money Laundering

One of the tricks NCRI/MKO/PMOI uses in Europe to fundraise is to form front associations with the purported aim of supporting Iranian children and asylum seekers.The Mujahedin Khalq or the so called PMOI, by gaining the sympathy of ignorant people and extracting money from them, has collected considerable amount of money and used it to finance its terrorist operations.

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On the anniversary of a terrorist attack

… On the anniversary of 11 September terrorist incident, and while the world media take positions and analyze the incident from different angles, MKO-run media have purposefully remained silent, as they have all through these years … In contrast to its claims of having accepted democratic parameters of the West, MKO / PMOI indifferent position on 9/11 incident indicates its innate duality and its glorification of terrorism

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Iraq Expels Anti-Iranian Group – MKO

The Shiite-dominated Iraqi Interior Ministry announced September 1 that members of the Iranian opposition group Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MeK) or the so called PMOI had six months to leave Camp Ashraf, the U.S. camp in Iraq where approximately 3,360 members of the group are currently being held. The Saudi daily al Riyadh reported September 3 that the United States and Iran had agreed to hand over members of the MeK (also known as the People’s Mujahideen Organization of Iran) to Iraqi authorities.

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SIIC: Mojahedin Khlaq cooperated with al-Qaeda

Mujahedin-e- Khalq Organization has cooperated with terrorist groups including al-Qaeda over the past five years, says an SIIC official. Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council , confirmed a six-month deadline set by the Iraqi government for the MKO to leave Iraq and added that the MKO had helped former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein commit his crimes.

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Terror victim families protest at UK deproscription of MKO

Representatives of the families of thousands of Iranian victims brutally assassinated by the MKO terrorist group have visited Britain to protest about the government’s decision to remove it from its proscribed list. The relatives, led by Seyed Mohammad Javad Hasheminejad, presented reams of documentary evidence of the MKO’s hideous crimes to officials at the Home Office and Foreign Office as well as the Islamic Human Rights Commission during their visit.

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The issues of PMOI and mass graves.

The deputy head of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC), Ammar al-Hakeem, on Saturday discussed with Iraqi Human Rights Minister Wejdan Mikhaeel measures taken to deal with the issues of Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) and mass graves.

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Mojahedin Khalq responsible for all violence in Dyali

Staging a protest rally in front of Governor’s building, Hundreds of peoples of Khalis in Iraq called for the expulsion of MKO terrorists from their land. …the governor of Khalis asked the Iraqi security forces to deport MEK terrorists from Iraq as soon as possible. He called MEK a terrorist cult which is responsible for all the existing unrests and violence in Dyali…

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The Washington Post today has a piece about how Richard Perle gave a speech last weekend to a group that US law enforcement and intelligence suspects is actually a front for a terrorist group, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). According to the Post, US law enforcement had debated whether they had the authority to shut the fundraiser down. And on Monday the Treasury Department froze the assets of the event’s main sponsor, Iranian-American Community of Northern Virginia.

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