The MEK’s terrorist activities

Terrorists arrested in Iran were trained abroad

…Nekoui said the groups, armed with missile launchers and other weapons, were trained outside the country, without elaborating. Iran has blamed US and British agents based in neighboring Iraq and Afghanistan for launching deadly attacks in border provinces in recent years…

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Arming Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists

… According to a report by Counterpunch magazine, the US president signed a secret finding in March authorizing a covert offensive against Iran which called for the arming and funding of terrorist groups, such as the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) and Jundallah (Army of God) …

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Anniversary of Raid on a Sect called MKO

In Paris on Sunday 15 June ,2003, a judge ordered detention of the leader of MKO/PMOI/MEK and a number of her followers to face trial for possible links with terrorism. ..The DST, the French equivalent of MI5, claimed that Maryam Rajavi and her husband, Massoud, were ready to turn Auvers into their terrorist headquarters..’The attempts at self-immolation to protest against the arrest of Madame Radjavi are proof of a new fanaticism..

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Neo-Con General Calls for Terror Attacks in Iran

McInerney’s frothing desire to see women and children blown to bits in the streets of Tehran may have something to do with the fact that”McInerney is on the Board of Directors for several companies with defense-related contracts that would seem to benefit from his pro-war propaganda. For example, Alloy Surfaces Company (ASC), whose contracts for “ammunition and explosives” with the Department of Defense appear to have grown from $15 million in 2002 to more than $169 million in 2006. A conflict of interest, perhaps?”

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MKO Should Be listed a Terrorist Group

Expounded by Sattar Orangi on April 19, 2008, the poisonous Barren Land that has devastated many lives of its own inhabitants and was the main terrorist bastion in accomplice with Saddam to plot against Iranian people cannot possibly bloom flowers of peace and democracy. The piece of land the ousted dictator once granted to the vipers is still the focus of …

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A response to Patrick Clawson

A direct reference to Mojahedin-e Khalgh Organization with its diverse aliases such as MEK, MKO, PMOI, OPMI, NCR, NCRI, NLA, to name just a few, draw my attention to the Clawson’s views. I was nudged by further curiosity when I noticed that a Farsi translation of Clawson’s article had appeared on MEK’s propaganda apparatus even before its seemingly original English version was published.

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Terrorists Among Us

This stands in stark contrast with the perspectives of the MEK and its front organization. As part of its propaganda campaign, the MEK publish newspapers and websites like and As an Iranian American, I am outraged that the MEK is attempting to hijack the perspectives of my community. The MEK do not represent Iranian-Americans in California – or anywhere else for that matter.

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Getting to know MKO hooligan Leila Jaza’eri

In the court session a person called Leila Jaza’eri from England was called by the MKO advocate as a witness. Here we give some details about her background. A’zam Farahani Mullah-Hassani Kohneh, who has now changed her name to Leila Jaza’eri is an active supporter of the proscribed terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation of Iran (MKO) in London. In the early 80s she married another supporter of the MKO

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Apostles of Democracy

he suggests the essentiality of a democratic change inside Iran. At least he has to err on the side of caution not to recommend an undemocratic, terrorist group for the accomplishment of the mission. He believes that the best solution is real democratic change in Iran and that, Britain and the EU must stop hindering the democratic Iranian Resistance as it strives for change.

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