The MEK’s terrorist activities

Symposium on Terrorism in Iraq

Mr Khodabandeh emphasised the cult culture of terrorist organisations and the methods they use to brainwash their followers. He also gave examples of foreign support by some influential groups and parties who facilitate the flow of finance for terrorism. Not the least the relationship between the remainders of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, London, Washington and other countries with the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation, and the way this relationship is becoming clear in the escalation of violence in Diyali province

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Proscribing terrorists – good or bad politics?

In an article released by Global Politician, Mr. Gale claims that blacklisting Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK) as a terrorist organisation first by the US in 1997, which was followed by the UK in 2001 and the EU in 2002, was a task to appease Iranian regime. I doubt that Mr. Gale has failed to have access to published reasons by the mentioned countries for proscribing MKO

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Mojahedin Khalq threatens to kill an author

Bad-mouthing the critics and threatening them to death is the characteristic of criminal gangs and terrorist groups that advocate violence and atrocity as the sole working apparatus to achieve the ends. For instance, in an angry backlash against a series of articles by Bahar Irani published in, the last of which was Arab countries, Latin America or Africa, where will MKO settle after Iraq? one of MKO’s penman…

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MKO and the Aftermath of Recognizing POAC’s Judgment (2)

..MKO reveals the reasons for its adopted strategy of armed struggle based on Marxist-Islamic eclecticism. Mojahedin were on the belief that armed struggle was an inevitable consequent of a historical determinism; any intransigent attitude would be equal to that of a reactionary. Although at first it was hard for the Westerners to comprehend what was lying behind Mojahedin’s ideology, but some later made references indicate that they were developing a real understanding of Mojahedin’s ideological infrastructure and methodology..

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Britain: State Sponsor of Terrorism

an English court ruled the British government’s decision to put this terrorist group on the proscribed organisations list was perverse; the Iraqi Attorney General Jafar al-Mousavi, has appointed a judge and prosecutor to bring the leadership of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization to justice for their role in war crimes and crimes against humanity under Saddam;

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EU stresses need for maintaining Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO) among terror organizations

Among the other issues addressed at the session, there were discussions on a recent visit by an EU parliamentary delegation to the Islamic Republic of Iran. At the session which was held in the presence of the members of Iran-EU Parliamentary Relations Commission, EC representatives, EP members, and the head of the MKO, one more time the terrorist nature of that anti-Iranian organization was stressed.

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Actions that Contradict Claims

That is a good idea if a terrorist group has decided to renounce terrorism and dissolve military units. But MKO’s aired TV programs, especially following the court’s judgment, are in absolute contradiction with its claims. MKO’s TV network is repetitively broadcasting clips from its military operations, manoeuvres and marches in which women’s presence seems to have greater significance

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Saker interview with Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

This was not the first time I had read Soraya’s very interesting and insightful articles about Iran and this latest piece prompted me to contact Soraya and ask her for an interview. Soraya kindly agreed to my request and it is my real pleasure today to resume my”Saker interviews”series with a (virtual) conversation with her.

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