The MEK’s terrorist activities

Filner Duped Truthout

Filner revealed in this interview that he has taken a consistent position on the Iraq War since the war started in 2003. The Iraq War is based upon lies. The Iraq War is illegitimate. America should not have invaded Iraq. America should withdraw most of the American military troops from Iraq immediately. America started the Iraq War for economic and strategic reasons.

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France to Probe Killing of Iranian

French authorities plan to investigate the 1999 killing of a top Iranian general, which was claimed by an Iranian opposition group based in France, judicial officials said Monday.Brig. Gen. Ali Sayyad Shirazi, deputy chief of the joint staff command of the Iranian armed forces, was gunned down in April 1999 in front of his home in Tehran by men dressed as city cleaners

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MKO Behind Karbala Massacre?

Confirming a report given to EIR News Service by an Iranian source last week, that the group responsible for violence at the Imam Hussein shrine in Karbala, Iraq on Aug. 28 was the MKO, the Tehran Times has presented information on how the MKO triggered the events. ..

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11th of September 2001 and the MKO

When the 11th of September 2001 catastrophe occurred, about 2000 people were assembled in Bagherzadeh Base to attend the general meeting of the NLA and to receive the speeches delivered by the Rajavis. …The news was about how the twin towers were blown up by some fanatic extremist so called Moslems. The video clip was shown over and over for several times and each time it received jubilation from the members and officials of the MKO.

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Iraqi people will put Rajavi on trial

…Asked about the recent announcement by Interpol that the leaders of the banned Mojahedin Khalq organisation are being arrested if there are any plans for them to be extradited? Hojjat-Ol-Eslam Mohseni-Ezhe’i said that there are no plans as such but he hoped that the Iraqi people will put these figures on trial as they collaborated with the government of Saddam Hoseyn and they have been involved in acts of suppression against the Kurds…

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On the Anniversary of a Terrorist Operation

MKO’s resort to armed struggle was the beginning of a bloody chapter in Iranian history that contains numerous pages of violence and terror perpetrated by the terrorist organization. Following many scattered instances of terrorist operations resulting in the killing of many innocent civilians and Iranian ranks, the next second blow came in August 30, 1981.

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Al-Mousavi:Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal to try MKO

“We have made probes into crimes that the former regime committed with cooperation of various groups, and during the investigations we have collected documents that prove the complicity of Mojahedin-e-Khalq in inhumane actions in southern and northern Iraq in 1991, the so-called Sha baniyyah Revolution,” he noted.

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