The MEK’s terrorist activities

MKO Attacks Paris Meeting

According to IRNA from Paris, fifty unknown men, allegedly the members of Mojahedin-e khalq terrorist organization attacked the guests and sponsors of the meeting with knives and broken glasses, leaving 13 wounded. The attack took place at the early moments of the meeting. French police came to the scene and fired tear gas before arresting some people.

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Iraq says MKO behind violence

A senior Iraqi prosecutor has said there is evidence to suggest the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization is involved in the ongoing violence in Iraq. “The Iraqi Supreme Criminal Court has been provided with documents on the Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s (MKO) crimes against the people in southern Iraq and the people of Tuz Khormato in the south of Kirkuk,”

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MKO Members Attack Al-Anbakie

15 Rajavi cult members (Mojahedin Khalq) killed when they attacked people in Al- Anbakieh Reports indicate that elements of Mojahedin-e khalq organization have attacked the residents of Al-Anbakieh area near Al-Meqdadieh; this group has faced resistance by the families and consequently 15 members of this terrorist group have been killed.

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More Evidence on Rajavi cult – Qaeda Ties

The terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq, with long history of denying its own acts and plots, responded to the comments and revelations of Mr. Hadi Farhan Abdullah al-Aameri, the head of Iraqi Parliament’s Security Commission, by projection and denying the facts; Mr. Aameri had revealed MKO’s ties with Al-Qaeda

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MEK cooperate with local insurgents

Released in IraqSlogger Daily Column, Zeyad Kasim quoted the Shaheed Al-Mihrab Foundation’s website revealing MEK terrorist operation in Iraqi soil. The Shaheed Al-Mihrab Foundation, a SIIC-sponsored Shi’ite organization led by Ammar Al-Hakim, son of SIIC leader Abdul Aziz Al-Hakim, accused Mujahideen e-Khalq, an Iranian militant opposition group in Iraq

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Iran offers to help US find Iraq exit

Mr Araghchi, a career diplomat seen as a potential interlocutor with Washington, insisted the US presence was part of Iraq’s problem. “Iraq is suffering a vicious cycle. There are foreign forces who have occupied Iraq and justify their presence under the pretext of the ‘war on terror’ and there are terrorists who claim they are fighting occupiers.”

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US State Department Report on 1994

The following report has been prepared at the request of congress. Section 525 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995, public Law No. 103-256, requires the president to submit”a report detailing the structure, current activities, external support, and history of the people’s Mojahedin of Iran .

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MKO Rides Terror Boat

Since it’s a terrorist organization, MKO uses the same methods of Baathists against the people of Iraq. They obeyed ousted regime of Saddam Hussein and they did their best to serve as wanted. They were involved in suppressing the uprising of Sha’banieh and attacks on villages and town in southern and northern Iraq.

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