The MEK’s terrorist activities

MKO Terrorist Operations

The Bulletin indicates the mortar attacks and bombings of Iranian cities resulted in the injury and martyrdom of innocent civilians and damage to their property. MKO claimed the responsibility for those operations by issuing press releases following the incidents. This bulletin as an illustrated, documentary evidence of MKO/MEK/PMOI atrocities, works well to illuminate facts on the terrorist nature of MKO and the cause for its proscription as a terrorist organization.

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Iranian exile group aims to build bridges

As tensions between the U.S. and Iran continue to mount, an Iranian exile group viewed here as a terrorist organization is lobbying to play a greater role in the struggle against Tehran…The Mujahedeen-e Khalq, or People’s Mujahedeen of Iran, was formally listed as a terrorist group by the State Department because of its attacks on American military personnel and Iranian officials. It fiercely opposed the Shah and his supporters during the 1970s and allied with former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in his 1980-88 war against Iran.

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Beware of the New Terrorist Conspiracy

The recent comments of a tribal leader from Dyalah province in an interview with an Iraqi satellite television asking Al-Maleki’s government to start investigating on the reasons and objectives of a meeting held in terrorist MKO’s Camp Ashraf with the assistance of US military commanders, military officers from former regime and with the participation of some group leaders sounds the alarm about such activities.

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Two sides of violence coin

“The explosion of the office of Islamic Republic Party on June 28th, 1980 and self immolations on June 17th, 2003″…One side shows committing terrorism to face the enemy, the other shows using terrorism to save Violence captured in cul-de-sac…

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MKO and Dyala province security issues

One of the advantages of this province is that it houses Baath forces and pro-Saddam tribes who also work as a protective circle around MKO.
This advantage has been maintained and that’s why terrorists’ headquarters, and even the shelter of Zarqawi, is located in this province.

Hebheb region, where Zarqawi lived, is one of Baqubah districts next to Camp Ashraf. MKO was in touch with this region, and kept the contact even after the fall of Saddam Hussein.

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MKO and Massacre of Kurd and Turkmen Iraqis

The city resisted against the MKO mercenaries for a long time and many achieved martyrdom but finally these mercenaries and the forces of Saddam occupied the city and Kurd and Turkmen citizens started moving toward the borders of Iran; the army of Saddam started plundering the properties of people and set fire on the library…

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Precaution against Mojahedin’s Terrorists Plots in World Cup

The ongoing security measures indicate that Germans are alert to the possibility of any threats, and precautions are being made to neutralize even minute suspicious moves to prevent any repetition of the past nightmare; that is to say, learning from the past can come in handy today.
It cannot be altogether ignored that the Mojahedin Khalq Organization …

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In the Memory of Halabja

The most important historical events of the world and Iran in the eyes of Mojahedin have been mentioned in this book. Some are important and some not. But the more I searched for the word”Halabja”in the book, the less I found. Why?

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