The MEK’s terrorist activities

MKO Supports Terror in Tasuki

Following the terrorist action in Tasuki (on the road from Zabol to Zahedan), in which 21 were killed and 7 others injured, Iranliberty website which belongs to the terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq and is run by Mansoor Ghadrkhah (member of MKO council), supported this terrorist act by releasing a statement and called”revolutionary forces”those who conducted it.

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The strategy of death, the meeting about death, the design for death, the training and maneuver for death, the political diplomacy at the service of death, terror for death and death for terror and… In fact the word Mujahid has been a synonym for death.

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Killing generations of Kurds

..To cover their crimes against Kurds, Mujahedin claimed that they repelled the attack of Iranian forces to their bases and called the alleged anti – attack,”Pearl Operation”…”the only and main invasion of NLA during the last six years happened in 1991 right in the aftermath of Gulf War while Saddam Hussein ordered Rajavi to help him with suppressing Kurds’ uprising in the north of Iraq.”…

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Khodabandeh Interview with BBC Radio

On November 10, we held a press conference in London titled “Saddam’s Relations with International Terrorism” and a number of media took part in the event. Unfortunately, some MKO members came to attack the participants, but they failed as the police came to the scene. A reporter, however, leaving the place was assaulted by MKO members. I expected the NCRI to release a statement, apologizing for what they had done, but instead they started threatening their opponents

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Guns and bombs are not speech

The United States can designate foreign organizations as terrorist groups and bar Americans from financially backing them….The ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was made in a case involving people who raised money in California for Mujahedin-e Khalq, or MEK, an Iranian opposition group designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government since 1997.

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MKO involved in car bombing in Basra

Terrorist Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/NCR) was involved in car bombing in the southern port city of Basra on Monday, Iraqi security official told IRNA on Tuesday. ….The British officers have embarked on hiring MKO elements for sabotage and terrorist attacks in Iraq for their own inhumane ends.

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MKO members not denying their role in Basra blast

Whenever the meddling of its members in any subversive act is revealed, the MKO terrorist group always denies it by issuing a statement.
According to a security source in Basra, members of MKO were responsible for the Monday explosion in the port city of Basra. At least 20 people, mostly non-military, were killed in the explosion of a car laden with bomb in Basra port city in southern Iraq late Monday and more than 50 others were wounded.

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NCRI’s Role in Suppressing Iraqis

At the dawn of a day in early 1991, MKO members armed to the teeth, led by Fatima Tahoori (Zarrin), surrounded the Iraqi border city of Jelula. The town was still asleep when the commander (who was known in the organization as Barabbas for her brutality) broke the early morning silence with her orders. Rajavi forces, backed by Iraqi artillery which targeted Kurdish area, attacked the villages and towns.

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…According to journal”Mojahed”of June 1979, it was Yasser Arafat who initially put the MKO in touch with the Soviet Union. Therefore when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, the people’s Mojahedin were at front to praise the Soviet Union.
During the 1970`s the Mojahedin assassinated at least six Americans in Iran. The PMOI also engaged in other violent operations, including bombings, assassination of Iranian civilians or officials, attack to Israel offices in Tehran, as well as bank or jewelry robberies in order to finance their activities. …

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Iranian Dissidents Square Off in DC

As supporters of the rival dissident groups vied for media attention, one group accused the other of being imposters. An hour and a half into the National Press Club event in Washington, D.C., organizers halted it and Capitol police were called in to keep order.

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