Mohsen Abbaslou

Possible Trump Cabinet Members’ Links to the Mojahedin Khalq Could Spell Trouble for Iran

John Bolton called for a military attack on Iran and “vigorous American support” for MEK “aimed at regime change in Tehran”. Last summer, Gingrich spoke at MEK’s rally in Paris alongside Turki bin Faisal, the former head of Saudi intelligence. Gingrich went as far as to solemnly bow down to MEK’s leader, Maryam Rajavi, calling her by her favored title …

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Abbaslou; Interview with Radio Farda

In an interview with Radio Farda’s Ali Sajjadi, he referred to his membership in the MKO and said:”if a window is opened to the outside world, all MKO members would leave and 100 would barely remain.”
MKO announced that Mr. Abbaslou has never been a member of the organization and that he had been expelled to the US-run camp (next to Camp Ashraf). State Department lists MKO as a FTO.

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Mohsen Abbaslou – BBC Interview about Camp Ashraf

I had some friends in the camp. I had no future in the American camp. It was an ambiguous future, therefore I and four of my friends could escape the camp July 6, 2005.
I personally thank the US forces, but the reality is that the cult has remained in Iraq due to the problems of the coalition forces.

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