
MKO and Demagogic Propaganda

It is so easy a task to hire people to compose letters in the same way people are paid to chant slogans in MKO’s orchestrated protesting rallies in different European countries. The group’s earnestness to buy supporters are aimed to advance claims that the EU court of Justice has ruled that MKO listing must be annulled but the European Council of Ministers refuses to comply with the court’s ruling.

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The Terrorists’ Peace Conference in Ashraf

Reuters reported on Sunday that the Iraqi tribal leaders and local politicians and parliamentarians from the Iraqi province of Diyala attended a conference that was held in the Camp Ashraf, resided by MKO members and located north-west of the city of Baquba, and voiced their support for the presence of MKO in Iraq and stated that the organization contributed to the stability and security of the province. Nobody doubts that such conferences, masterminded and orchestrated by MKO

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Exaggerated Numbers of Supporters Come up

The EU Council is determined to keep MKO on its terrorist list regardless of Mojahedin-run media advertising exaggerated numbers of European supporters calling its removal from the list. In one instance, Mojahedin claimed that in a petition, 30,000 Canadians demanded from their government ..

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Scott Ritter’s New Book, Target Iran

Ritter reveals that in order to advance their agenda against Iran, the Israelis have used intermediaries which include the Kurds loyal to Mustafa Barzani, the Mujahidin-e Khalq, and US neo-conservatives. Quoted in Reader-list Book Review concerning MKO’s intelligence collaboration with Israel we read:

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The Decision Unfulfilled

…revealing that the White House, gearing up for invading Iraq, distributed a background paper listing the MEK as a pretext for a future war with Iraq. The paper provides evidences that Iraq is notoriously known to sponsor terrorism and is a bastion of terrorist groups including MEK. The paper’s first evidences are …

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MKO on the EU’s Terror List Next Week

Calling it a continuation of appeasement of Iranian regime, MKO condemned the decision taken by the EU and said: “In defiance of EU Court ruling, the EU Council intends to maintain the PMOI on the terror list”. The Council intends to designate MKO because the group has failed to provide any convincing document that would justify its deproscription. Although MKO claims it has forsworn terrorism since June 2001, there are countless evidences that the group was actively plotting and carrying out terrorist operations until 2003 when it was disarmed by the coalition forces in Iraq

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The US and the Issue of Terrorism in Iraq

The US is well aware of the fact that MKO, long supported by Saddam and his accomplice in many crimes, surrendered its arms only when it was forced to and had no other choice. The group has been on the State Department’s list of Terrorist Organizations since it was first initiated in 1997. However, the group is under the US protection at a time when Iran is rebuked for helping the groups with no terrorist identity on the State Department.

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MKO’s Days in France Might Be Counted

Of the diplomatic controversies that have clouded French-Iranian relations, which Nicolas Sarkozy has on his political agenda to improve, was the issue of MKO. Darius Kadivar, a freelance journalist, in an article released in persianmirror makes a short reference to the issue and is of the opinion that the days of MKO in France may well be counted with Sarkozy who is anti-communist.

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The US and a Decision to Show Good-Will

there is a big question mark here. Among the many questions imposed by Iranian side concerning Iraq would be the US forces’ supporting of a terrorist group blacklisted by its own State Department. If the both countries are indeed concerned about the troubled situation in Iraq, first they should deal with the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq or the Mojahedin cult that has long threatened the security of certain Iraqi regions.

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The US Instrumental Use of MKO

The Vice President is fully aware of the actions taken by the United States towards Iran that are further destabilizing the world as evidenced by the following: … MMM(D) The United States has been linked to anti-Iranian organizations that are attempting to destabilize the Iranian government, in particular the Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK), even though the state department has branded it a terrorist organization.

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