Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Envoy Underlines MKO’s Terrorist Nature

Referring to the Iraqi government’s decision to expel MKO/PMOI/MEK members from the country, he stressed,”As the Iraqi government officially stated, misled and repentant members of the group could return to Iran or go to another country.”Iraqi National Security Adviser Muwafaq Al-Rubaie said here in Tehran on Wednesday that the MKO will be expelled from Iraq in the near future. Rubaie had also earlier said that his country is determined to implement its decision for closing the MKO headquarters in Diyala province.

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Camp Ashraf to become history

Iraq says that Camp Ashraf of the Mujahedin Khalq terrorist Organization will be closed forever within a two-month framework. Iraq would not let the MKO or other groups carry out acts of terror against neighboring countries, Iraq’s National Security Adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie said in a Friday joint press conference with Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili in Tehran.

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MKO with blood on their hands to be tried

Iraq plans to extradite members of an anti-Iran terrorist group who have “Iranian blood on their hands,” Iraq’s national security adviser said Friday..“Some 914 of them have dual nationalities and others who want to return to Iran will be allowed to do so,” Rubaie said, adding he would discuss the issue with officials from 12 countries to see if they would accept MKO members.“They will leave Iraq in a non-forcible way,” he said. “Terrorist groups have no place in Iraq.”

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France files appeal against Mojahedin terrorists

France says it has filed an appeal to an EU court to keep the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) on a list of banned terrorist groups.”Our appeal was filed the day before yesterday,”said Foreign Ministry spokesman Frederic Desagneaux EU diplomat said the bloc had decided to remove the anti-Iran group from the EU list of banned terrorist groups.

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Iraq to close MKO camp in two months

Iraqi National Security advisor Muwafaq al-Rubaie said on Friday that Baghdad plans to close down the Ashaf military camp where the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI) members are held under house arrest. Iraq is also seeking to extradite the Mojahedin Khalq members who have taken refuge in Iraq since early 1980s, Rubaie told reporters in a joint news conference with Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary Saeed Jalili in Tehran.

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Iraq: To Close Camp Ashraf

Iraq plans to close down Camp Ashraf, which is the seat of Iranian militant group Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MeK), within two months, Press TV reported Jan. 23, citing Iraqi National Security Adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie. Al-Rubaie added that Iraq would allow MeK members to return to Iran or go to another country.

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Iraq Accuses Iranian Exiles of Plotting Attack

The Iraqi government this week accused an Iranian opposition group of planning a suicide attack against Iraqi troops, a possible prelude to decisive government action to close the group’s camp in Iraq and expel its members…Rubaie’s statement said a member of the organization had turned himself in to Iraqi security forces and told them that group leaders had instructed him to detonate explosives at the headquarters of the Iraqi security forces. The goal of the reported attack was to embarrass the Iraqi government, the statement said.

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Threat of suicidal operations never ceases

In a letter released in POAC’s ruling on November 2007, the UK Secretary of State is quoted saying “Mere cessation of terrorist acts do not amount to renunciation of terrorism. Without a clear and publicly available renunciation of terrorism by the PMOI, I am entitled to fear that terrorist activity that has been suspended for pragmatic reasons will be resumed in the future”….In the past there came the order for the members to self-immolate for Maryam. Now it is Camp Ashraf that is under threat of being closed down and they already have the orders what to do.

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Iraq serious to expel MKO

The Iraqi National Security Adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie is said to have arrived to Iran on Monday June 19 to seek boosting ties between Tehran-Baghdad and other regional countries and finalizing security victories in Iraq and the two countries agreements reached in Iraq. Upon his arrival, he is reported to have stated that “under no circumstances” can the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) members stay in Iraq.

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MKO’s expired role for the West

Ms. McNaught has based her documented report on evidences made by Iraqi Kurds who were victims of MKO’s atrocities while their cooperation with regime of Saddam Hussein to suppress Kurdish uprisings. Although, as McNaught reports “MKO denies involvement in the repression”, she cites the testimonies of Kurds including a Kurd military commander of Pishmerga who lost many forces of his battalion that was attacked by MKO, and a Kurdish researcher assured her that he has handed many secret documents of Baath Intelligence Service to Human Rights Watch; the documents show that MKO helped the Ba’ath forces to occupy Kirkuk province to resist Kurdish forces.

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