Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Baghdad not willing to give shelter to MKO

Using the Americans’ welcome, 600 have left Camp Ashraf for Iran in recent years. ‘Tehran works on this file so intelligently, seeking to hire these defectors rather than eliminating them,” a European diplomat in Iran says. Since the time of the reformist president of Iran, Mohammad Khatami; ” we haven’t considered them[PMOI/MKO/MEK] as a political organization any more but as a dangerous cult of which the members are the prisoners of their leaders”, an Iranian official states.

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Iraq calls for international MKO tribunal

A top Iraqi judge has reportedly called on The Hague to probe into the terrorist activities of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK). ..”The war on terror has a long way to go and to that end governments and nations need to be united,”said Jom’eh Abdul Davoud..Under the leadership of Massoud Rajavi, the MKO helped the Baath regime of Saddam in the suppression of the Iraqi Kurds in ‘Operation Morvarid’.

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Iraq says Iranian opposition exiles must leave

The Shi’ite-led Iraqi government told nearly 3,500 opposition Iranians living in exile in Iraq on Sunday that it planned to close their camp and they had to leave the country…They told the Iranians the government”…is keen to execute its plans to close the camp and send its inhabitants to their countries or other countries in a non-forcible manner, and that staying in Iraq is not an option for them,”the government said in a statement.

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Iraq vows to expel Iranian opposition group

Iraq vowed on Sunday to oust members of the main armed Iranian opposition group from its soil, just days before Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is due on a trip to Tehran.The announcement was made during a visit by a government delegation to the camp in Iraq where about 3,500 members of the People’s Mujahedeen Organisation of Iran (PMOI/MKO/MEK) are based..

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German Greens say no to Mojahedin Khalq

“The Iranian exile organization of the People’s Mojahedin Organization[PMOI/MKO/MEK] which acts under the cover of the National Council of Resistance of Iran is not a suitable partner in dialogue for a responsible policy towards Iran,”a spokesperson for the Green Party, Claudia Roth said late Thursday .Roth told reporters that the group’s position on the EU terror list should be carefully evaluated, as the Rajavi organization has a ‘past of terror’ and assisted the ‘crimes’ of the deposed dictator, Saddam Hussein, in Iraq.

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Camp Ashraf handover to Iraqi government imminent

A government spokesman in the House of Lords confirmed that the Americans will hand control of the Mojahedin-e Khalq’s military base in Iraq, Camp Ashraf, Iraqi authorities before the end of the year.Lord Malloch-Brown, minister of state for the foreign office, was responding to a question about the situation of people in the camp following signing of the status of forces agreement between the US and Iraq.

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MKO interference in Iraq election unbearable

Deputy Iraqi Interior Minister Gen. Hussein Kamal said the country would cut off the hands of the terrorist group of Mujahedin-e Khalq if it wants to intervene in the affairs of the Iraqi elections. General Hussein expressed his hope for the upcoming elections to be held in a safe heaven adding that his country will not allow the MKO/PMOI/MEK or any other terrorist group to interfere in electoral matters.

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US Presidential election and PMOI’s vague future

The US presidential election ended with the victory of Barak Obama…The change in the ruling party in the US will absolutely influence the US foreign politics ..only the dependent movements including MEK/PMOI might undergo unexpected changes. MKO’s vain hope on warmongers of the US and its propaganda show that this reliant movement plays no independent part in its own fate.

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Hatred towards the Mojahedin Terrorists

the Chairman of Iran’s Expediency Council referred to the Iranian and Iraqi nations’ hatred towards the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) as an indication of close ties and feelings between the officials and people of the two countries. The MKO, whose main stronghold is in Iraq, is blacklisted by much of the international community, including the United States.

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