Mujahedin Khalq Declining

No country ready to accept MKO

Iraq’s ambassador to Tehran, Mohammad Majid Al-Shaikh, has said that no country is ready to accept the terrorist Mojahadin Khalq Organization (MKO). “We believe that the presence of Mojahadin group in Iraq is illegal, but no country is ready to accept the members of this group,” Al-Shaikh told the Mehr News Agency

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Will France risk letting Mujahedin in?

The Iraqi government’s holding control of Camp Ashraf may lead to adverse consequences for the cultist group of Mojahedin (also known as MKO, MEK, PMOI) one of which is the fact that they would be forced to weigh anchor from Iraq and drop it in another country in a little while..Undoubtedly, Mojahedin are willing to grow roots in a country where they would ensure the integrity of their cultic relations

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Nejat Society’s Announcement No.4

It’s obvious that all the activities and the presence of the families at Nejat Society are aimed to the release of their children from Camp Ashraf and the efforts and interactions have terrified the destructive cult of Rajavi….The declining condition of MKO actually led the parents to be concerned about their children’s life and the occurence of a human disaster against the deceived members of the cult.

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Is the Mujahedin’s Third Option Practical?

The third option has been presented by MKO or the so called PMOI for the last three years as part of its propaganda against Iranian regime…The west will not risk the security of its citizens by supporting a group with a long history of suicide cult-like activities following the arrest of Maryam Rajavi in France or the assassinations including of those American civilians in Iran in the 1970’s.

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Iraqi tribes: MKO must be expelled from Iraq

In a new statement, Leaders of Iraqi tribes demanded senior Iraqi officials, including Iraqi President and Prime Minister to expel Terrorist groups especially MKO from Iraq’s soil. ..The statement stresses that the criminal terrorist group of MKO is one of the pawns of Saddam’s regime to suppress the Iraqi people move further adding to its crimes through intervention in Iraqi affairs and supporting terrorists, particularly in Diyali province and harboring criminals in the Ashraf camp

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So What to Do with Those Mujahedin Terrorists?

The faith of this State Department-listed terrorist organization of Mujahedin Khalq aka PMOI has been unclear. Hated by Iraqis for its involvement in Saddam’s crimes against the Iraqi people, the Baghdad government wants to expel the Mujahedin group. But no country is willing to take them..The European governments have little interest in taking in 3,000 battle-hardened militants of MKO/MEK, fearing that they will use Europe as a base to plan and execute further terrorist attacks ..Rather than debating where to expel the Mujahedin (MKO) terrorists, help should be provided to the rank and file to break with the cult and make free choices about their future. It’s the only humanitarian solution to this dilemma

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Where Mujahedin Khalq is destined to settle?

If the Mojahedin Khalq Organization /MKO / PMOI is forced to weigh anchor from Iraq, since the Iraqi government is decisive to expel the group as once France did, it has to drop it in another country…In fact, the Mujahedin Khalq organization needs to root in a country to survive, as it has already survived in Iraq for so long within its Ashraf cult-like enclave…the world has witnessed MEK’s acts of violence, meddling and espionage wherever it has been settled

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Iraq: No country willing to take Mojahedin Khalq

Iraq’s ambassador to Iran says so far no country in the world has agreed to shelter the dissident members of the US-backed Mujahedin Khalq (MKO) terrorist group.According to International Law, the outlawed Mujahedin Khalq Organization or the so called PMOI should be handed over to any country which is prepared to harbor its members…no government has so far expressed willingness to admit the group into their country, al-Sheikh added

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