Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Arab countries, Latin America or Africa, where will MKO settle after Iraq?

Latin America, because of a variety of scattered active militia and guerrilla groups, might seem an appropriate option. But it should be noted that a number of Latin countries have come to enjoy periods of peace and tranquility after long periods of various revolutions and opposition conflicts. They need peace to reconstruct their countries and avoid whatever might lead to the escalation of any tension

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London, a resort of retirement for MKO

England, because of its strongly conservative policies and as a country that has well merged traditionalism with modernism, seems to be a much appropriate option. There MKO would be granted the opportunity of having offices and publishing papers and bulletins and arranging regular rallies to maintain the prestige of an active opposition as well as enjoying the nice weather and romantic aura of London.

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Is France the next option for MKO to settle after Iraq?

..and since the Iraqi government is determined to expel the group and close up the camp, dismantlement of Camp Ashraf drives MKO into much critical situation beyond what it is suffering at the present. Its barren efforts to be removed from the lists of the proscribed organizations have made it much difficult to convince any country to accede to the group’s flow of refugees. ..since some key ranking figuresare already situated in France and the organization is engaged in an extensive campaign aimed at winning support from among the politicians there France might be the next appropriate option.

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The Sand-Clock Counting down a Cult’s Days

…Rajavi has reiterated two important issues; the preservation of Camp Ashraf regardless of the price it might cost and the promise that the Iranian regime would collapse in a span of two years. In a message issued in 2006, he fixed January 2009 as the deadline for the collapse. In fact, when he was fixing the time, the Bush Administration had just entered the countdown to its last two years and Rajavi promised that if nothing happen at the end …

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MKO members should be extradited to Iran

Iraqi officials have contacted the Iraqi citizens who intend to press charges against the members of this terrorist group, he said, adding that the plaintiffs’ statements would be heard and collected, and based on the Iraqi Constitution, the appropriate ruling will be made.

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Gordon Brown: No evidence that MKO has given up terrorism

…The proscribed organisation’s appeals committee have said that they are not involved in terrorism and that the refusal of the Home Secretary to de-proscribe them was flawed, perverse and must be set aside. Why does the Government not accept that? Mr Brown: I have looked at that issue that you raise. It is certainly, however, the case that the organisation that you describe has been, in the past, involved in terrorist activity, and I do not think…

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Dwindling of MKO’s Social Prestige

Rajavi’s hurried and unreasoning resort to armed phase followed by an illogically drawn timetable of short-term toppling of Iranian regime heavily affected the internal and external relations of Mojahedin. The third factor that forced the organization to cling to the alternate of the ideological revolution was the gradual dwindling of its social prestige and legitimacy

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US military does not support terrorist Mojahedin Khalq

Rear Adm Gregory Smith, Communication Division Chief for the Multi-National Force-Iraq, claimed that the US military does not support any terrorist group including the MKO. He admitted: The American government considers the MKO group to be a terrorist group and once again claimed that the US military was not supporting them.

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Raymond Tanter turns out his wife to please a cult

Interesting first in his capacity as a professor at Georgetown University in the USA and as a former member of the National Security Council at the White House. But also because it is a striking example of an ambiguous relationship between a part of American political circles and certain terrorist groups.

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