Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Dismantling MKO, the US sing of good-will

..covert action to undermine the Tehran regime has already been under way intermittently for the past decade. Until now, however, the CIA has operated without a by using proxies. Pakistan and Israel, for example, provide weapons and money to insurgent groups in southeast and northwest Iran. ..

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Another Step Towards Eradicating Iraq’s Terrorists

Iraqi interior minister, said:”Iraq cooperates with neighboring countries on the issue of fighting terrorism. We pursue terrorist elements in our soil.”He stressed that a country alone wouldn’t be able to succeed in the fight against terrorism, adding:”There are a number of terrorist groups in Iraq, including PKK, MKO, Ansar al-Sunnah, Ansar al-Islam and others, whose presence is a threat to Iraqi people ..

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Iran will assist Iraq to deal with MKO: Najafabadi

In an interview with the Mehr News Agency on Tuesday the chief prosecutor of the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal (ISCT), Jaafar al-Mousavi, said there is evidence to suggest that the MKO had a hand in murdering Iraqi citizens. Al-Mousavi stated that an arrest warrant has been issued against 150 MKO members including ringleaders Maryam Rajavi and Mas?oud Rajavi.

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Iraq to indict Iran-banned MKO

Mousawi further commented that the terrorist group had supported Saddam Hussein’s Baath regime, aiding in the suppression of the Iraqi people’s uprising in 1991 and the torture and massacre of innocent people in the northern and southern regions of the country.

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Al-Mousavi:Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal to try MKO

“We have made probes into crimes that the former regime committed with cooperation of various groups, and during the investigations we have collected documents that prove the complicity of Mojahedin-e-Khalq in inhumane actions in southern and northern Iraq in 1991, the so-called Sha baniyyah Revolution,” he noted.

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UN and Iraq Cooperate to Expel the MKO

“There are legal rulings on the leaders of MKO and PKK. However, what prevents their expulsion from Iraq is that no country is willing to accept them,”said Hussein Kamal, representative of Iraqi Interior Ministry, during”Security Conference”in Damascus.

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The presence of MKO in Iraq is against the law of the files we will discuss is security cooperation to face terrorism and the terrorist challenges which the region in general and both countries in particular are witnessing. The Turkish side has expressed a strong desire to conclude economic agreements and pave the way for Turkish firms to take part in the reconstruction process, especially in the central and southern areas.”

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