Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Habilian Secretary General meets Iraqi Tribes leaders

“You called them Munafeqin correctly; our people also call them like this because of their betrayals and criminal backgrounds. This terrorist organization just can continue in critical conditions. They declared war against our nation in 26 years ago and killed many people in all positions. We have 16000 terror victims. We collected a statistics that Munafeqin has accepted it….

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A Mob Rented for the Cameras

capital wherein its activities are banned. Although one may be disappointed to see how a number of political activists in the West for certain political or personal concerns dance with a terrorist group, but it is so encouraging to notice a great more are well acquainted with the group’s treacherous and misleading moves.

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Iraq-Iran Parliaments Agree on MKO

Parliamentarian delegations of Iran and Iraq discussed MKO’s illegal activities in Iraq and providing the opportunity of returning to Iran for repentant members of this group.Members of Iraqi Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee met a delegation of Iranian MPs on Wednesday.

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The Parliament Determined to Expel MKO

Reported by Voices of Iraq (VOI), the Iraqi parliament on Monday discussed the presence of the Iranian Mujahdeen Khalq organization (MKO) in Iraqi territories. Stated by Mohammad al-Samerae, a number of parliament’s members presented a request to bring MKO out of Iraq, describing it as a”terrorist organization”.

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Anniversary of Raid on a Sect

The leafy rue des Gords in this little market town north of Paris hardly lives up to its reputation as a new world capital of terrorism. It was here that hundreds of police smashed open the doors of suburban houses in a dawn raid which the French claimed had pre-empted worldwide strikes by the militant Iranian opposition group, the People’s Mujahideen.

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MEK Fearful of Occupiers’ Exit from Iraq

This formula is already exposed since all unilateral policies of the US across the world- its aggression, occupation of Iraq and the continuation of its threats against Iran- are confirmed according to this formula and the MKO expresses concern about changes in it. For instance, they see disadvantages for the group in US-Iran talks, therefore they warn the occupiers as follows:

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Desperation Prevails in Rajavi’s Cult

The fact is that the stupid remnants of Rajavi had promised their desperate members, tired of relying on foreign powers, that they”would push the US to clash Iran in Iraq”and that”a new resolution would be passed against Iran”that will worsen Iran’s situation in the international scene. However, since the previous resolutions have proved to be futile and with Iran-US’s scheduled talks, desperate members in political section of the group have cautioned that measures of Rajavi cult are useless.

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MKO Becomes Orphan Again

According to most of Iraqi media, a key issue in Iran-US upcoming talks for stabilizing Iraq is that the US should quit support for terrorist MKO. Even MKO supporter Saleh Mutlaq said in an interview with Japan’s Xinhua news agency that he’s seriously concerned about US’s intentions to stop supporting MKO.

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Hardliners, hard options

The emphasis from both sides that Iraq and only Iraq will be discussed is evidence of their deep mutual mistrust and enmity. Keeping each other at arm’s length, each side is skirting carefully around the elephant in the room, that is, the deeply divisive issues that have poisoned Iran-US relations for nearly three decades. Clearly neither side would have agreed to meet unless forced by necessity. But has that necessity forced the beginning of a new phase in relations, or should we accept

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