Mujahedin Khalq Declining

MKO Admits Iran’s Nuclear Achievements

MKO, which earlier denied Iran’s ability to have even the nuclear technology, has been forced now to admit the realities they don’t like.MKO leaders have always been criticized for mixing their so-called political analyses with their dreams and feeding them to their restricted forces.

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MKO’s Days in France Might Be Counted

Of the diplomatic controversies that have clouded French-Iranian relations, which Nicolas Sarkozy has on his political agenda to improve, was the issue of MKO. Darius Kadivar, a freelance journalist, in an article released in persianmirror makes a short reference to the issue and is of the opinion that the days of MKO in France may well be counted with Sarkozy who is anti-communist.

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Mujahadeen-e-Khalq on agenda of Iran-U.S. talks

Al-Sabah newspaper, a publication financed by the Shiite-led Iraqi government said the agenda of the talks would include four key issues -“the supplies of Iranian weapons to Iraqi militant groups, the Mujahadeen-e-Khalq organization, the U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf region and the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.”

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Mojahedin-e Khalq Must Be Expelled

Iraq’s Sunni Accord Front and Mojahedin-e Khalq organization have many things in common. They’re both acting against the interests of their people and their countries. They’re both connected to foreigners in a way or other. Both of them pursue programs that will lead to the destruction of their countries and the deaths of their people.

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Political Stupidity of Rajavi and his Retarded Remnants

There’s a big question on why the gang of Rajavi came to presidential campaign in France, which had nothing to do with them.Before answering this question, it should be clarified that Rajavi’s gang left a new record for its political stupidity since it was clear, from the beginning, who was going to win the elections.

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Mujahedin continues to occupy the status it has been designated

MEK is also active under a variety of other pseudonyms known as MKO; Mujahedin-e Khalq; Muslim Iranian Students’ Society; National Council of Resistance; National Council of Resistance (NCR); Organization of the People’s Holy Warriors of Iran; The National Liberation Army of Iran (NLA); The People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI); National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI); Sazeman-e Mujahedin-e Khalq-e Iran.

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The Necessity of MKO’s Expulsion from Iraq

I was proud and I said to myself that”finally, we have a powerful government that respects itself and the people; a government that is able to make decisions in order to get rid of Saddam’s remnants. Saddam gathered elements of MKO to occupy our country and gave them privileges,

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MKO, Hated by Iraqis

The main reason was that Saddam wanted to change human structure of Iraq while Shiites and Kurds comprised more than 80 percent of Iraqi population. After revolution in Iran and closure of US and Israeli embassies in Tehran, Americans thought of coup in Iran in order to compensate their failure.

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Rajavi’s Pitiful Condition

EU’s reasons for calling MKO a terrorist group, which will be published soon, strips MKO from the chance of taking advantage of maneuvering over this law itself. Although, they are ready to interpret this law as a victory for the group to boost the morale of group’s desperate members.

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