Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Opposition Groups Don’t Care about Rajavi

Some people ask what if an organization or a political group doesn’t want to unite….Iranian now know all MKO’s lies and that the MKO can only deceive those who are not familiar with Iran’s issues; those who don’t know the terrorist nature of the group well and support the group only for their own interests.

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Diminishing Glory

What must be of particular concern to any Iranian with a sense of patriotism is the reality of Iran’s exhaustible fossil fuels. Due to an increase in demand and decrease in supply, Iran will find itself wanting for its energy needs in the next decade [iii]. Had the leaders who praised the sanctions spent less time pursuing their ambitions and more time studying Iran’s national interest, they would realize that Iran is in a dire situation

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West Tries to Save Its Face

What the MKO is making so much noise about is only a ruling which will remain in judicial levels in Europe, if it’s not rejected or revised by other judicial institutions. According to experiences, it could be said that European courts have always had more hostile attitudes towards Iran and have always supported Iranian opposition groups but they have never been able to change the policies their governments are bound to. The fact is that these courts have always tried to help their own politicians by issuing such rulings.

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“We oppose this organization. We don’t support it”

The political scene of the US recently witnessed two controversial developments, namely the victory of Democrats in recent elections and the report of Iraq Study Group. Will these two development a beginning for a turn in US policies towards Iran?Amir Mossaddegh Katuzian from Radio Farda posed this question for James Jeffrey Senior Advisor of Secretary of State in Near East Affairs and US policy-making on Iran.

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Ibrahim Jaafari’s Comments on the MEK

“Our position towards non-Iraqi groups from neighboring countries is based on having well relationship with neighbors,”he said.Former Iraqi PM added:”Based on this attitude, if Turkish Kurds’ Workers’ Party operates against Turkey, it will be banned from further activities.”

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Iraqis Welcome Revelations on MKO

Now the government has emphasized that it is going to act against the MKO. Although too late, it should be appreciated. In this regard, we warn the government on the suspicious activities of Adnan al-Dulaimi and his son. He is the leader of terrorists. He should be arrested and tried…

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A Great Disaster for the MKO

MKO’s ties to John Bolton are not limited to the post-Iraq war era or his appointment as the US ambassador to the UN but they were established long ago when the contacts of the MKO with Zionist lobby in the US were expanded.First, the MKO sent him gifts and during an electoral campaign, he received large amounts of money from the MKO. After that, MKO regularly rewarded him with money that was called gift or other kinds of aids.

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Swede MP Comments on MKO

“I assure you that supporting the MKO is not the policy of the EU. This group is an unimportant movement who come to the halls of European parliaments like many other similar groups and this doesn’t mean that Europe is supporting them”, said the envoy of Swedish Parliament to Iran, Goran Lindblad, in an interview with the Secretary General of Habilian Association.

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Gone With the Wind

The function of Mojahedin at least through the past 25 years well indicates that they had availed themselves of given opportunity, Saddam’s overall backing and other reactionary political factions as well as the debilitating, prolonged war and controversies among the countries of the region. Of course, Mojahedin had given a pledge to make up for all protections and backings they had received after assuming power in Iran.

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New Plans by the Cult

Following the order of Iraqi officials and coalition forces on the expulsion of MKO from Iraq and banning all propagandistic and political activities of the group in this country, it’s impossible for the group to continue its studio works in Camp Ashraf. As soon as Camp Ashraf is cleared of terrorist elements, TV installations and establishments of the group will be confiscated by the Iraqi government

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