Mujahedin Khalq Declining

No Question on MKO’s Extradition to Iran

60 MKO supporters, having gathered before the UNHCR building in Geneva for 100 days, revealed that Iraqi officials have announced that the members of terrorist MKO in Camp Ashraf can stay in Iraq only until the end of this year (45 days from now) and that after this date they should leave Iraq.

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West Serves Iran Against the MKO

Maryam Rajavi, who failed to meet Norwegian officials and sufficed to visiting a handful of parliament members, expressed her real pain as being discredited in the West and Western countries’ apathy about her gang.”Unfortunately, mullahs have taken advantage of the policy of compromising to use the West in order to restrict the main threat for their regime, namely the Iranian Resistance…

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The Death Verdict Repudiating Assertions

Those in the West who repeat Mojahedin’s claims of receiving Iraqi people’s support should come to know that Mojahedin’s strategically contradictory conduct well justifies falsity of their assertions. Those who believe that Saddam’s sentence might put an end to Iraq’s black era do not need much speculation, seeing MKO’s silence and passiveness, to picture Mojahedin’s virtual play in the extension of disorder and tension.

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Oslo Doesn’t Support the MKO

Inviting the head of MKO doesn’t mean support for this group/The United States, Norway and the EU consider this group as a terrorist organization.
In an interview with Mehr News in Norway, Iranian ambassador in Norway said the Norwegian officials had assured him that inviting the head of MKO to visit their country and to meet a number of parliament members doesn’t mean they support this terrorist group.

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MKO’s political recruits still battling against British interests

Brian Binley (Northampton South, Conservative)
I notice that the Foreign Secretary did not touch on the question of external resistance to the Iranian regime. Some time ago, the Americans gave protected persons status to the Mujaheddin of Iran in Camp Ashraf. Later, the German courts reconfirmed the rights of political asylum for Iranian refugees, whose status had previously been suspended …

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Iraqi lawyer calls MKO illegal organization

An eminent Iraqi lawyer said that existence of Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) in Iraq is unlawful, said IRNA. Tariq Harb, head of the ‘Population of Disseminating Law Culture in Iraq’, told the Baghdad-based weekly of Al-Shahed that according to the domestic, international and foreign non-governmental laws, existence of MKO in Iraq is illegal.

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Semiology of another defeat

During the past few years Mojahedin have employed all their political might to magnify Iran’s nuclear threat to lead on their power struggle to be entrusted the legitimacy of an alternative. As political bankrupts, Mojahedin even lost their last residue of political legitimacy among other opposition who believed in them as ultimate hope. Mojahedin’s propaganda blitz to infuse that Iran did not have any peaceful intentions …

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Mojahedin representative Jafarzadeh in predictable propaganda move

Jafarzadeh needs first to bring evidence that the Mojahedin (aka National Council of Resistance of Iran or the resistance) does indeed have members and/or supporters inside the country and that such people are in position to gain greater access to information on Iran’s nuclear activities than the IAEA inspectors, before his claims can be taken seriously by Iran experts.

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MKO Frightened by Maliki’s Visit to Iran

Remnants of Rajavi’s gang, frightened by the trip of Iraqi PM Mr. Nuri al-Maliki to Iran, released a statement and quoted what the US commanders had said, in order to boost the morale of their desperate members in Camp Ashraf who commit suicide to get rid of the current situation.

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