Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Iraq, MKO, and the Near Future

Simaye Azadi, is these days heavily focusing on reflecting the attempts seemingly taken in support of MKO’s stay in Iraq. The heavy coverage of news reports in this respect and their frequent repetition in different news, political, and Direct Contact programs indicate that the issue of its future stay in Iraq has entered a new phase…

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Iraq Must Get Rid of MKO

“Democracy or the Return of Shaabanieh Uprising”by Dr. Latif Vakil, professor of political science in the universities of Berlin and Denmark, has been published in Iraqi newspaper”Ghandil”. In the article, mostly on the reasons of Iraq’s occupation by the US, terrorists and active Baathist groups in Iraq, Dr. Vakil pointed to the MKO and wrote: …

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MKO Never Allowed to Act in Iraq

“In a meeting last week with Turkish officials, we discussed the issue in details and we stressed that Iraq is determined not to allow any terrorist activity be conducted against neighboring countries from Iraq. We will not allow the PKK to have operations against Turkey as we prevent MKO elements from acting against Iran. We also ban members of Ekhvan al-Muslimin in Iraq to act against Syria.”

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Roots of MKO Problems in Iraq

MKO’s irresolvable crisis- that has happened to this group after the fall of Saddam- has nothing to do with the new Iraqi government or the pressures from Iran (despite all propaganda by the MKO); instead, the presence of terrorist and murderous gang of Rajavi in Iraq, which received legitimacy from the toppled dictator, is illegal from international viewpoints ..

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MKO’s New Cause of Anger

The recently published book Mojahedin Khalq Organization; Arising & the End is a celebrated and collective work of some Iranian researchers unveiling many facts on the formation and activities of MKO. The three volumes work is mainly a research based on existing evidences many of which are included.

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No Place for MKO in New Iraq

“There will be no place for terrorists in the new Iraq and we have considered rules and regulations on the way of treating those who have been involved in the killing of Iraqis,”Shirvan al-Vaeli, Iraq’s national security minister said in an interview with al-Vatan Al-Kuwaitiah.

Asking for the exchange of intelligence

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The End of MKO’s Historical Opportunities

the whole views and ideas of different parties in the US can be summarized in a line, one end of which proposes negotiations and relations with Iran and the other suggests wide military action. However, what concerns the MKO in this issue is that they have no place in proposals (on the table of US administration) and that they are not worthy to be invested on.

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Iraq Gets Rid of MKO

“Iraqi government is looking for a way to get rid of MKO, which has been left from Saddam Hussein’s toppled regime in Iraq. Despite opposing the Iranian regime, this paramilitary group has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the European Union and the US,”German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, wrote in an article.

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Expulsion of Terrorists Stressed by Hakim

He also called for the expulsion of terrorist groups from Iraq, with the MKO at top, and stressed that terrorist prisoners should not be freed.”A number of people involved in recent terrorist operations have been released. Releasing prisoners should be done under the supervision of parliament.”

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