Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Terrorist Plotters Have to Leave Iraq

Affairs Shirvan Vaeli, talking on the issue of Mujahedin Khalq Organization stated:
“We are now preparing a comprehensive plan which requires approval of the government to expel the MKO from the country by the year end”.”We strongly follow up the case because the MKO seeks to hatch plots against the Iraqi nation which has angered the Iraqi people,”he underlined.

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Iraq Might Force Out Iranian Militants

Prime Minister Nouri Maliki on Wednesday accused a militant Iranian opposition group of meddling in his country’s affairs and suggested that it could face expulsion from Iraq, where it has been based for 20 years. The Iraqi leader said the Mujahedin Khalq, which is dedicated to toppling Iran’s Islamist government, had become too involved in Iraq’s political and social issues.

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Rajavi’s Gang Expresses Support for Israel Crimes

In a hurried and desperate move, notorious gang of Rajavi linked the Israel’s aggression against Palestine and Lebanon to the recent decision of the west to return Iran’s nuclear case to the UN Security Council, while the preplanned aggression of Israelis started more than 20 days ago.

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Iraq’s Just Decision on Mojahedin

Quoting the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki reported by ISNA, Iran Focus, MKO’s mouthpiece, announced that the country was working to end the presence of the Mojahedin terrorist group on Iraq’s territory. “It was decided to limit the actions of this group and confine them to Camp Ashraf, north of Iraq, and prevent their contacts with ministers and government agencies”, al-Maliki said.

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Iraq PM hints at expelling Iran opposition group ,

Under the former Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein, the PMOI was supplied with weapons and tanks and periodically carried out armed incursions against Iran as well as helped Iraqi forces put down rebellious Shiites in 1991.
US forces confiscated the organization’s weapons following the March 2003 US-led invasion, taking away some 300 tanks, many of which were subsequently given to the Iraqi armed forces.

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‘The Association of Criminals’

The judge in France, who is prosecuting Rajavi’s gang for illegal and criminal charges, has rightly called this group”The Association of Criminals”.
This, above all, shows the depth of the judge’s recognition of the nature and behavior of the MKO.
Abulghassem Rezaee, one of 17 members of this association, has given some explanation about the recent decision of the appeals court (to lift some restrictions on MKO), which itself displays the critical situation of MKO in France.

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The West cannot take the Mojahedin seriously

In an article by James Graff,”Are The PMOI Iran’s last Hope For A Peaceful Solution?”, TIME Europe has discussed the position of the MKO in the west. Graff wrote:
“…But there are also reasons why Western governments remain wary: among them are the group’s ideological origins in a mixture of Marxism and Islam, the aid they offered to and received from Saddam Hussein, and charges, which they deny, implicating them in terrorist acts in Iran….

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Inside a group caught between three powers

The case of those holed up in Camp Ashraf, near Baghdad, remains a quirky piece of unfinished business left over from the American campaign to oust Saddam Hussein. It continues to leave a trail of broken lives…the MKO’s fate is unclear. While the Iraqis want it disbanded, the politically savvy group still has support among some congressmen and Pentagon officials, who see it as a potential tool against Iran, a country which President Bush calls part of an”axis of evil.”

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Easy to obtain, easy to lose

About two decades, he was busy with storing the weapons and killing the people of Iran. This strategy was under the commands of Saddam, and Mujahedeen just applied that.
Rajavi knew that Saddam would withdraw the weapons as easy as he had given them, like that during overrunning Kuwait which Saddam got 50 percent of his complimentary weapons.

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Kim Howells’ comments on MEK during the last 3 months

The Mojahadin-e Khalq was proscribed in the UK in March 2001.
My right hon. Friend the then Home Secretary decided to proscribe this group because it met the criteria under the terrorism legislation. This decision was endorsed by Parliament.
The list of proscribed organisations is kept under constant review. Under section 4(2) of the Terrorism Act 2000 an organisation or affected person may apply to the Home Secretary for an organisation to be deproscribed

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