Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Third Option: A Window to Nowhere

it’s crystal clear that this option addresses the West, and particularly the US. In fact, this strategy requires the US to do what MKO orders. It doesn’t say what would happen if the US rejects the group’s requests. As usual, Iranian people have been omitted from this equation. As far as I know, the strategy of an independent revolutionary group should be based on what it does, not what others can do ..

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We would never cooperate with MEK

Does U.S. policy, based on the notion that an enemy of our enemy is our friend, consider changing its policy towards the PKK or —
MR. McCLELLAN: Our policies haven’t changed on those organizations. They remain the same. And you’re bringing up organizations that we view as terrorist organizations.

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Germany Cracks On MKO

Hanning expressed regret over the illegal activities of some extremist groups and terrorism in the Middle East and Europe, saying that through cooperation and peaceful coexistence these activities can be prevented.
On the possibility of protests in Germany during the World Cup by some groups including the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), Hanning said that these groups carry out violent acts in the country

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MKO’s Death in US-Iran Talks

There are various comments on the issue of US-Iran Talks, including that of Al-Zaman newspaper, writing:”Joint fight against terrorism will be possibly a basis for the talks and Iran will ask for the extradition of MKO.”

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Appeals court denies rehearing on terror indictments

Seven Los Angeles area residents indicted on accusations of raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for a terror organization lost a federal court challenge in a bid to prove their innocence.
The seven wanted to challenge a determination by the State Department that a group they funded was a terror organization.

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Iraqis Want MKO’s Expulsion

History shows that terrorist MKO had an active role in former Iraqi government. Since its arrival in Iraq, MKO started to conduct former regime’s evil plans against Iraqi people.
After the fall of former regime, Iraqis heard happy news on the expulsion of this group from the country; a decision that was made by interim government but the US forces didn’t allow it.

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Iranian Mojahedin Accepts Defeat

This recent announcement by the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation is in total contradiction to what has been portrayed to the members and supporters who have been led to believe that armed struggle is the only form of struggle possible, and that it is rooted in the history of the Mojahedin as its most fundamental value.

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Iraqi VP: We Expel the MKO

Visiting Iraqi First Vice President Adel Abdul Mahdi said in a meeting in Mashhad on Wednesday that Iraq would soon expel the members of the terrorist Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) from Iraq. “We will definitely expel them and bring to justice those members who are found guilty,” the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) quoted him as saying…

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Clean Iraq from Terrorist MKO

The issue of the settlement of armed paramilitary groups in Iraq is also important. Some paramilitary groups in Iraq have been disarmed but other international terrorist organizations still possess weapons and everyone, familiar with politics, understands how dangerous it is for Iraq. There’s no doubt that these terrorist groups are linked to each other and there are secret ties and cooperation between terrorist MKO, Al-Qaeda and Zarqawi and other remnants of ousted Saddam regime.

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