Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Parents met their child in Albania, defect the MKO Cult

Among these couples were Ameneh Haqiqat and Akbar Rabiei who joined the MKO/MEK/PMOI group in mid 1980s along with their young child…Ms. Haqiqat’s brother says:” my head whistled when I hear that the ‘family’ is disintegrated within this horrible cult. My head whistled when I heard that my little niece left far from parental love…”

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What’s going on in MKO Camps in Albania?

Defectors of the Mujahedin Khalq residing in Europe, reported that five hundred people have left the MKO/MEK/PMOI since its relocation in Albania. According to the source, two hundred of the defected group could not manage to leave Albania. “They are still under the control of the cult”,…

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CIA Veteran examines the myth of regime change using MEK cult

Paul Pillar, a CIA academic and veteran explains how certain American think tanks, particularly in the Bush and Trump administrations are stuck in the “myth” of changing the Iranian government by supporting the Cult of Rajavi. His recent article on the National Interest titled “Evolution, Not a New Revolution, in Iran”, analyzes the futile efforts of the MKO sponsors for regime change:

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Female defectors expose the MKO cult at the European Parliament

Today, about 1000 women are kept in the MKO/MEK/PMOI under the cult-like control of Maryam Rajavi.Batoul Soltani, Homeira Mohammad Nejhad and Zahra Moieni are the disassociated members of the MKO who attended the European Parliament in Bruxel, Belgium on the Int. Women’s Day, March 8th.During their visit with the EU representatives, they spoke of grieves and sufferings…..

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Once More “Backing the Winning Horse” Doesn’t Work for the MKO

The new US administration under Donald Trump seem to be the ideal “Imperialism” for the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ Cult of Rajavi). The recent belligerent steps of President Trump and his republican colleagues have been warmly welcome by the group. This “confrontation” cheers up the MKO propaganda websites because it is replaced by what they call….

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