Mujahedin Khalq Declining

‘MKO was expelled from Iraq in disgrace’

Majed Ghamas, the representative of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council in Tehran, has said that the Iraqi nation disgraced the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) by expelling their remaining members from Iraq, Tasnim reported on Saturday. The top Iraqi envoy described the MKO as one of the shadowy groups that sought to launch a new wave of terrorist activities in the region. He said the MKO/MEK/PMOI must stop their terrorist activities as they want …

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Congressional Research Service Expert and Gulf Lobbyist Headline MEK Event

By outward appearances, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), the ex-terrorist Iranian opposition group hell-bent on regime change, appears to be losing their influence in the media. The group’s allegations about Iran’s nuclear program are met with increased skepticism after, for example, photographic evidence of “Lavizan-3,” a secret uranium enrichment facility in suburban Tehran, was revealed …

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Mujahedin-e Khalq victims meet Segolene Royal in Tehran

Ms. Segolene Royal welcomed and appreciated the documentations’ on the MKO/MEK/PMOI Cult as well as the group’s hostages’ families’ pleas offered to her by the MKO victims’ representatives. The French minister is on a three-day visit to Iran…It’s worth mentioning that Ms. Royal received a campaign endorsement from Mujahedin-e Khalq group in 2007 as a French presidential candidate

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More wanted MKO terrorists smuggled to Europe

The recent flights included several high-ranking members of the group who are notoriously known for their inhuman attitude against low-ranking members taken as hostages in the cult. These folks have been under the arrest warrant issued by Iraqi government so they fled Iraqi territory by fake identity and passport.

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Mahmoud Abbas not representative of Palestinians

Here you have a traitor who many call the quisling of Palestine. And for the people don’t know what quisling is, quisling was the Norwegian who was executed for having worked with the Nazis during World War II. But here’s a man who supports fully the leadership in Israel who is supporting the evil aims of the leaders of Saudi Arabia who have been funding the Mujahedin Khalq communist terrorists and who …

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Iraq to expel remaining MKO terrorists in 45 days: Iran envoy

Iran’s Ambassador to Baghdad Hassan Danaeifar said on Thursday that the Iraqi government with the cooperation of the United Nations has so far expelled 65 percent of the MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorists and the rest will be deported in 45 days. “The Iraqi government has long sought to expel the MKO members, but this process has been delayed due to pressure from the US and some of its allies,” Danaeifar said. The MKO …

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Sixth effort of families to visit hostages in the MKO Camp

Picketing families are from various provinces from all over Iran. According to the authorities, about a hundred more are seeking to obtain Iraqi visa to join the campaign. This has been the biggest campaign run by families in order to release individuals who are taken as hostages by the Mujahedin Khalq Organization( the MKO/the Cult of Rajavi), although the security situation of Iraq…

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Kuwait’s political elite slam Saudi Arabia’s support for MKO

n his twitter page, Nasser Al Abdouli, head of the Institute for Persian Gulf Studies and Development also wrote S. Arabia that funds Iranian opposition conference, should firstly try to resolve their problems and not to waste their response to Saudi Arabia’s recent unwise action, Dr. Esam Al-Kazemi also said that Saudis support Maryam Rajavi as ringleader of MKO/MEK/PMOI, while Saudi’s women…

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