Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Perils for the MKO, the US purchasing Iran’s heavy water

The MKO’s/MEK/PMOI spokesman in the US Alireza Jaffarzadeh called the US decision “another unjustified concession” and “rewarding” the Iranian government. However, certain analysts including Jay Solomon of the Wall Street Journal considers this deal “a new gambit in a growing White House effort to encourage Tehran to stick to the nuclear agreement

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Five more Camp Liberty residents defect the MKO

Al-Kanani said that the Iraqi police handed over those five to the United Nations mission in Baghdad, noting that “the dissidents were Ali Hussein Khodabandeh, Mohsen Tayeb Zadeh, Massoud Bakhshi Zadeh, Syed Jalal Rahimpour, Manouchehr Shirazi,” noting that “three of the dissidents are from Kermanshah province in western Iran

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Why MeK keeps making the promise of overthrowing Iran’s gov’t

Misinformation on the conditions in Iran is also like that. The Rajavi and his members are interested in misrepresenting the conditions in Iran …. the major function of these promises is for the Rajavi to keep the miserable members and convince them not to leave the Rajavi’s organization and look forward to the day that the regime is”overthrown by itself.”

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An impossible dream

..Hence, the MeK/MKO/PMOI leadership views the regional developments as in Syria and Yemen not as they really are, but as he wishes them to be. In their calculations, the international players are the winner and Iran will be the loser. Their foolish understanding is that Iran’s regional power is connected to Assad’s fate. Iran wanted to keep Assad in power 5 years ago when its regional and international enemies intended to topple Assad in less than a month

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Zionist Lobbies Exploit the MKO

The Iranian American journalist Ali Gharib’s recent piece on Lobelog about Zionists-MKO relations also points out how terribly this relationship is based on benefits of Israel. “Perhaps some right-wing Israel lobby groups can be forgiven for taking up the cause of the exiled Iranian opposition group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK),” writes Ali Gharib..

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The MKO, an unsuccessful example in realizing women’s rights

the MKO/MEK/PMOI authorities were not allowed to hold their alleged conference on women’s rights in public halls. The Albanian government cancelled the group’s event in the Central Orthodox Church of Tirana and the French authorities also did not allow the Cult to organize its conference in the Grand Arche’ La Defence which is a governmental building in the suburb of Paris…

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A group of 22 TTL residents moved to Albania

Eventually under the pressure of UNHCR and UNAMI office in Iraq, the cult leaders forced to comply and the relocation process resumed at February4th, 2016. So as a group of 22 residents of Temporary Transit Location (Camp Liberty) transferred to Albania, Peyvand-e Rahayee Website reported.

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Ashur Varshi escaped Camp Liberty and contact his family

Mr. Varshi defected the Mojahedin- e Khalq group….Varshi now resides in a hotel in Baghdad, Iraq. As soon as he stepped the free world, Ashur called his brother; Ghorban. He introduced himself and said that he was free, living in a hotel in Baghdad. His brother was shocked and couldn’t stop crying. The Varshi family were really happy they could hear Ashur’s voice after nearly three decades.

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