Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Two brothers, defected from the MKO, returned home

Although they were promised a better life in Europe, they found themselves in Turkey and then Iraqi Camp Ashraf where they were immediately separated from each other. They were not allowed to meet each other for years. They were not told about their family who had several times come to visit them in Camp Ashraf, Iraq.

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26 more Camp Liberty residents moved to Albania

Based on the UNHCR statement of December14 by the end of 2015, more than 1,100 residents were due to be relocated to a third country. This represents more than a third of the residents registered by UNHCR.Albania has housed more than three-quarters of those transferred.Based on the statement some 1900 people have remained in Camp Liberty by now…

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What’s going on in the MKO camp in Albania?

Despite Rajavi’s insistence on concentration of the group forces in a single base like camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty, here in Tirana, he has taken a new policy; he prevents the accumulation of members. Particularly, recently relocated ones are kept in small rooms. The windows of the building are covered by newspapers because they want to prevent members from seeing the outside world…

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New groups of TTL residents transferred to Albania

The Camp Liberty residents transferred in two groups of 20, on December8th and 19th, Peyavand-e Rahayee Website reported.The total number of those transferred is 297 in 17 series.The MKO Cult leader forced to comply with the quota set by UNHCR to facilitate the weekly transfer of 40 TTL residents …

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Iraq welcomes the omission of MEK terrorist leaders in Section on Camp Liberty of Congress Report

Iran Interlink spoke by telephone with one of the Iraqi officials in charge of expelling the residents of Camp Liberty from Iraq. He agreed to speak off the record to say that Iraq “welcomes and agrees with all seven articles”. He emphasised that “we noticed in particular that there is no mention of the MEK/MKO/PMOI or the Rajavi leaders in the Senate document”….

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40 Camp Liberty residents moved to Albania

MKO/MEK/PMOI Cult leader forced to comply with the quota set by UNHCR to facilitate the weekly transfer of 40 TTL residents. So as 40 more Camp Liberty residents relocated to Albania during the last week bringing the total to 257 in 15 series.The names are as follows (some of the names may be aliases)..

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Iraqi Parliament take action to aid families of Liberty residents

the official website of the Iraqi Parliament reported that Parliamentary Committee in charge of investigation on the demands of families of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI held a meeting under the supervision of PM Arshad Salehi on Wednesday November 25th . The meeting was attended by members of security, Defense and Foreign Relations committees together with the High Committee of Camp Liberty in Prime Minister’s office.”

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