Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Congressional invite to MEK sparks furious backlash

Former ambassador to Syria Robert Ford and ex-counterterrorism coordinator Daniel Benjamin told Al-Monitor that they did not want to give a platform to the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK)/MKO/PMOI, a group that the United States considered a terrorist organization until three years ago. Ford said he would not testify at the same time as Maryam Rajavi, while Benjamin has pulled out altogether from Wednesday’s terrorism subcommittee hearing on the self-proclaimed Islamic State

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Mr. Rahmani defected the MKO in Albania and returned to his homeland

Mr. Rahmani who was forced to stay with the group for 27 years, transferred to Albania from Temporary Transit Location, Iraq.In Tirana far from the Cult boundaries and strict manipulation practices, Mr. Rahmani managed to release himself from the cult.Now, he is with his family after about a quarter of a century. When he left his family, his son was a 3 year old child. ..

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That secret Iranian ‘nuclear facility’ you just found? not so much.

But let’s remember: The MEK and the United States have fundamentally different interests. The MEK highlights Iran’s nuclear programs — real, imagined, and downright fabricated — as a way to build support for regime change in Tehran. Hemming in the Iranian nuclear program through diplomacy removes one of the MEK’s most effective talking points in favor of bombing Iran. They won’t go down without a fight.

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State Dept. Rules Out Iran “Secret Nuclear Facility”

The State Department said Friday that controversial claims made earlier this week by a often-criticized dissident group about a “secret nuclear facility” in Iran will not affect ongoing multilateral negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear program. The allegations–established about a facility called “Lavizan-3” by a …

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