Mujahedin Khalq Declining

115 Liberty residents fly to Albania

The government of Albania that had received 210 MKO aka MEK/PMOI members last year, accepted to receive another 210 individuals under the request of the US government.Albania had previously provided residential facilities to receive them but the MKO leaders impeded the relocation process under various pretexts…

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Al-Bayati: presence of MEK in Iraq illegal

Human Rights Minister Mohammed Mahdi al-Bayati met with the Deputy Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Mission in Iraq Georgi Posten…In respect of the MEK aka MKO/PMOI, al-Bayati stressed that the presence of the terrorist MEK in Iraq is illegal and pledged support to expedite UNAMI’s efforts to fully expel the MEK…

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Parliamentarians lose Maryam Rajavi court battle

Lord Carlile and other members of the House of Lords wrote a letter threatening judicial review, which elicited a response from the Home Office asserting that Articles 9 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights were not engaged but that the decision was in any event justified and proportionate. Lord Carlile …

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The MKO happy with GOP victory

In fact, the MKO has a long list of advocates among republicans. The group has hired the most powerful republican lobbying firms such as Akin Gump to run its agenda in the US government. Rep. Ileana Ros-lehtinen, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher are two of most vocal supporters of the MKO in the Congress. They often appear in the group’s rallies to speak on behalf of the group and its warmonger belief.

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Ebrahim Khodabandeh in Baghdad

Khodabandeh warned Iraqi officials on the threat liberty residents are exposed to. He emphasized the need to take serious action in order to prevent a human catastrophe in Camp Liberty who responsible is no one except Massoud Rajavi the Leader of the MKO cult. He asked Iraqi MPs to draw the attention of Iraqi administration and parliament to the human rights issue of Liberty hostages.

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Pardoned members of Mojahedin Khalq to be back home soon

Scores of former members of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) aka MEK/PMOIwill return to Iran following the complete collapse of the terrorist group in Iraq and after being pardoned by the Islamic establishment. Legal procedures are underway for the return of the breakaway members of the terrorist group while a large number …

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