Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Two MKO defectors back home

Mr. Shir Ahmad Ruzrokh and Ali Mohammad Khatami who had left the MKO camp in Iraq earlier could manage to return to their hometowns where they joined the families.Shir Ahmad Ruzrokh was a war prisoner when he was deceived by the MKO aka MEK/PMOI to join it…

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The Great Iranian Nuclear Swindle

Reports suggest that Israel used the MEK to leak satellite photography of Iran’s Natanz nuclear enrichment facility in a much-publicized scare back in 2002. The secrecy of the site alarmed many observers; the fact that IAEA safeguards did not require Iran to announce Natanz until 180 days prior to the introduction of nuclear…

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Hanging to ISIS terrorists; futile struggle of MKO terrorists to survive

on the other side, the Mujahedin Khalq terrorist group aka MKO/MEK which has already been active supporting the extremists in the region or elsewhere, didn’t hesitate hailing and supporting blatantly the so called Islamic government of Iraq and the Levant(ISIL/ISIS), despite the shocking news and gruesome photos of the mass killings and savage crimes the ISIS commit in Iraq….

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ISIL terror alarms France to Mojahedin Khalq threat

The reason why the French might be doing this now I would think has something to do with ISIS and the events in Syria and Iraq. When you see a group like ISIS which is similar in many ways to the terrorists of the MEK, obviously there is a feeling in the MEK I would guess that they have got to get involved, that they have got to contribute, they have …

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France condemns anti-Iran MKO terrorists

On Friday, French Foreign Ministry spokesman Romain Nadal criticized the MKO aka MEK/PMOI for “its violent and non-democratic inspirations,” its “cult nature,” and its “intense campaign of influence and disinformation.”Paris also warned about the growing lobbying and disinformation campaign being conducted by the MKO…

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