Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Mujahedin Khalq; what are they really after?!

Ghorban Ali Hussein Nejad, a defected member of MKO who currently lives in a charity center for refugees in France states that the MKO/MEK/PMOI is vigorously recruiting attendees from refugee camps in exchange for money. Hussein Nejad says the group is recruiting African Arabs….

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The MKO and the mirage of Alternative for IRI

The likely successful nuclear negotiations between Iran and the West have pushed the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) to face more challenges in order to impede a normalized Iran-West relationship. The group’s heavy scale well-funded lobbying campaign to derail diplomacy with Iran has come up with new dimensions.

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Five Camp Liberty residents fled the Cult

Five MKO members residing in Temporary Transit Location, Iraq managed to escape the Camp at dawn Sunday and surrendered themselves to the security forces, Ashraf News reported.Mohammad Salman Al-Asadi; a security officer responsible for Camp Liberty protection quoted the escapees that….

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The MKO losing games, Geneva deal working

Following the deal brokered in November, between Iran and the world’s six powers, The US Treasury Department has granted plane manufacturers Boeing and General Electric’s (GE) a license to export certain spare commercial parts to Iran despite the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) put a heavy lobbying efforts to stop the deal working.

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Saudi Arabia and Israel use MKO to destabilize Iraq

the group’s presence in Iraqi soil is not in accordance with the countries’ interests especially because the group allied with Saddam regime and killed Iraqi people . There are evidences of their cooperation with Saudi Arabia as well as Zionist Regime . With regard to the group’s continuous interference in Iraq’s internal affairs their presence in the country is illegal and the group members are not eligible to legally entitle to the refugee Status.

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