Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Parliament asks government to expedite the MKO expulsion

Iraq’s parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee asked the government to expedite the expulsion of the People’s Mojahedin Organization/MKO/MEK/PMOI of Iran and to finally close the file on them, and indicated that the United Nations has been responsible for the delay until now. Committee member Imad Yohana said, “The decision …

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Historic deal is working despite MKO-AIPAC- led obstructions

Regarding the MKO, its role in the relations and equations between Iran and the West is so trivial that the cult leader strives hard to create tension between the two sides more and more in order to achieve the least support they can gain. The MKO’s only means to survive is to convince the West that the proverb”the enemy of my enemy is my friend”is symbolized in supporting a cult of personality…

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British MPs consider the MKO terrorist

Jack Straw confirmed that the UK government condemned any form of terrorism.”The British government has condemned the assassination of the Iranian nuclear scientists”, he said.Ben wallace another member of the UK parliamentarian delegation spoke of the probability of relisting of the MKO/MEK/PMOI as a terror group…

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No country will harbor MKO terrorists

An Iranian lawmaker says no country in the world will provide sanctuary to members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO)…The removal of the MKO/MEK/PMOI from the US and Western countries’ blacklist of terrorist organizations was solely aimed at finding a country to give them refuge…

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Source: MKO seeking to camp in Jordan

MKO/MEK/PMOI has proposed to carry out the relocation of individuals from Camp Liberty in several groups,” the sources said, adding that MKO has also offered to pay all the costs of relocation as well as all the costs associated with building a camp providing Jordanian security forces

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