Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Retarded MKO PR Apparatus

Surprisingly, the MKO propaganda websites have so far kept silent regarding the 1$ million funding by the US government to facilitate the relocation process of Hurriya residents. Instead, the group’s propaganda is focused on demonizing Iranian government and fabricating nonsense about the nuclear program. The MKO’s parrot-like propaganda against Iran seems very similar to that of the Israelis….

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Jordanian Parliament boycotts MEK gathering in Paris

Nariman al-Rousan, said “we’ve informed the MKO that due to inviting the Syrian opposition members, we have boycotted this year’s annual conference of them.”She said the boycott is because they cannot ignore Syria and the support for its unity and Army, adding that some members of the Syrian opposition who were executor of the foreign plans …

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The MKO struggle to survive or to topple the IRI

The Mujahedin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI failed to function properly as a real opposition group during its controversial so called struggle life. The group has been struggling to survive rather than opposing the Islamic Republic and through this challenge it has passed different phases.

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Tens of Members Defect MKO upon Arrival in Albania

The source said the defected members are kept in a separate building away from those who are still an MKO member and they have access to different means of communication to contact their families. The ringleaders of the group, including Farzaneh Meidan Shahi and Esmayeel Mortezayee also known as Javad Khorassan, do not allow other members to leave …

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Swiss police prevent Mojahedin Khalq disruption in Geneva

Experts in MEK behaviour however, believe this could trigger rogue activity and continue to advise western security services to maintain vigilance over the group’s members. Operating as a cult, the MEK/MKO/PMOI leaders depend on retaining members through priming them for and involving them in specific activities which include aggression and acts of violence. Although …

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Washington denies intention to cut aid over Mojahedin Khalq

In an interview with Al Mada Press, Stephen Beecroft said, “the United States has an agreement to help Iraq in all fields and to act as a partner to Iraq”. He noted that “there is chatter being fired from here and there about cutting aid to Iraq because of a failure to provide protection for some of the MEK, but we can assure the government of Iraq that we…

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