Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Rajavi has difficulty to please the US

Although after the delisting, the MKO was allowed to open its office in Washington DC, its position in the US territory is very fragile. What if the US-Iran relations come in to a peaceful conclusion? Will the US stay a safe haven for the MKO? The United States is more choosier than the MKO leaders to make friends among former enemies of its nation.

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MEK desperate to keep its members in Iraq

This week it has been revealed that Massoud Rajavi released an audio message during the month of Ramezan addressing his 3000+ followers.Rajavi tells them ‘anyone who wants to leave can go to Hell, as I have no use for you. If I have one thousand loyal devotees I can do anything’.

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Committee to stop MKO illegal activities

Mayer of Kholis, Adnan Al Khadran said on Sunday that the 100 remaining Mojahedin Khalq are still refusing to go from the province…A committee has been created by the local government, United Nations and the members of the central government to stop this …

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The MKO has no way but to leave Iraq

accusing the terrorist MKO/MEK/PMOI group of undermining their expulsion process, Qayda Kambash, Iraqi parliamentarian of Al-Iraqiya list said:”The reason of delay in expulsion of MKO members from Iraq is the pressure from MKO leaders on their members.”

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Bad News for the MKO

In contrary to the efforts of the MKO agents in the United States, on July 18, 2013, 131 members of the US Congress signed a letter urging President Obama to reinvigorate Iran diplomacy. The letter, being circulated by Representatives David Price (D-North Carolina) and Charles Dent (R-Pennsylvania), is the biggest ever pro-Iran diplomacy letter from the Hill, those supporting the initiative said. …

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UK peer: MKO ban members from Iran

Former vice president of the EU Committee on Foreign Affairs Baroness Emma Nicholson says the heads of terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) do not allow members in Iraq to return to Iran and rejoin their families there.

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