Mujahedin Khalq Declining

Iraq to Build a Mall in MKO’s Camp Ashraf

Khalis Mayor Uday AlKhadran told a press conference that an Iraqi court has transfered the authority of the site to the local administration of Khalis which plans to build a mall in there once all MKO terrorists are expelled from the Camp.”The Camp of New Iraq (Ashraf) still accomodates 100 members of the MKO members,…

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The Future of a Terrorist Bastion

The military and cult bastion of the terrorist MKO is nearing the end of its days as one of the most controversial spots in Iraq. The last remaining group of the members, a total of 100, will be forced out sooner or later and leaves the camp in the hands of the local authority in Diyala Province. The province’s …

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MKO hiring New York beggars to hold demonstrations

A handful of members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) who were protesting against the Iraqi officials in front of the United Nations headquarters here paid New York beggars to persuade them to join their tiny gathering. Simultaneous with the United Nations Security Council meeting on Iraq….

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Beware of a Cult’s Abuse of Propaganda

MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI fierce campaign in the past well depicts the wrong direction that the group had taken for the cause of democracy. How can it claim to be following the principles of democracy when the very same president-elect of the group, Maryam Rajavi, is elected through no social and inter-organizational voting….

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The MKO, No Democratic, No popular

You may wonder how boldly can he fake “The Cult of Rajavi” as a democratic organization that represents Iranian people. Perhaps, the MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders are under the wrong impression that once they are removed from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations of the US State Department, they will be regarded as a pro-democracy movement. They seem to be misunderstood by the bipartisan support…

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Michael Rubin: Yes, Mujahedin al-Khalq is a dishonest cult

It seems that the MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders must now not only pay speakers to sing their praises at their rallies, but also the audience members. The MKO is not only a creepy cult, and willing to say anything to buy support regardless of the group’s record, but an empty shell as well. Let us hope that one day their remaining congressional supporters will recognize that if they truly want to bring change to Iran’s odious regime, they would best reach out to the Iranian people….

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Why Is There Bipartisan Support for the MEK?

Right. One of the reasons relations between the U.S. and Iran have been contentious is because the U.S. took it upon itself to change the Iranian regime once before. There are certainly many people in Iran who would like to see the current system fall or be systemically reformed — but the people rejoicing in the streets after the election of Rouhani are unlikely to cheer efforts to install an MEK cultist as a temporary president of Iran.

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What’s remained of the MKO?

Definitely the MKO show in Paris was not an Iranian demonstration at all. The major authorities speaking at the hall were mostly American; the attendees were deceived to take a trip in Paris almost for free. Not a single Iranian except the she-guru of the cult, Maryam Rajavi addressed the crowd because none of the Iranian intellectuals –even those who oppose Islamic Republic – care about the MKO if they do not hate it.

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